Chapter Fifteen

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Alice POV

Rosie just stood there staring at me. Everyone was now quiet. There was no chanting. No cheering. I glanced over to the members of the pack. Some of them were looking at me in pity, some looked at me in disgust. Others just looked confused.

"Come on Rosie, shes still blind in one eye, finish her!!" Someone shouted from the crowd. I didnt turn my head to look, instead I watched Rosie, waiting for what she might do. I saw her narrow her eyes at me. She started to pace as she contemplated her way of attack. She stared down at my wounds which made her predictable, she was going for my blind side.

She started to charge at me but before she could lay a paw on me, I jumped at her and twisted my body so my right eye could see her and using my left paw  I dug it into her left shoulder blade using it to swing myself onto her back. In doing so she plummeted straight down to the ground with a thud. I dug my canines into her neck holding her there being sure not to break her skin. I didn't want to kill her. I just wanted her to submit.

Just kill her!! Thea whined. I wanted to win over the pack. Show them I wasn't a murderer.

I could already hear the gasping through the audience and I didn't actually expect the fight to even be this easy. I expected to fight blind. I could feel Rosie struggling underneath me but I dug my claws in making her whimper. I didnt want to clench my jaw more as my face was aching and I'm pretty sure some of my stitches had ripped. I looked up to Alistair hoping he would step in and ask if Rosie would submit. He first looked confused at me but since I refused to kill her I think he got the hint.

He ran out towards us and looked down at Rosie who was now laying still but was still heavily breathing beneath me.

"Rosie do you submit?" Alistair growled out, I could sense the Alpha tone he was using on her and it sent chills down my spine. Rosie didn't move at first, I could feel her cringing under my paws thought.

"ROSIE!!! Do you submit!!" Alistair roared. Blood was beginning to soak the side of my face, and I could feel it dripping onto Rosies fur. She eventually nodded and I let go of her neck licking the sides of my mouth as I climbed off of her. A metallic taste took over my taste buds as my blood pooled into my mouth from my wound. Alistair was staring at me but I was finding it hard to read his face. His eyes glasses over and I knew he was mindlinking someone. Something I remembered my mum and dad doing when I was little. I let out a deep sigh as I lay down on the grass feeling slightly dizzy from the bloodloss. My legs buckled beneath me and I fell to the floor feeling weak, I wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep but I kept fighting it. I had to be strong, I was proud of myself though, I hoped to have won over the pack by being merciful. I know it was a fight to the death but I couldnt bring myself to kill her, i didnt want to be that kind of wolf? Person? Werewolf? I wasnt sure what to call myself. I hoped to shift one day though. I felt my mate beside me, his scent surrounding my senses and the pain in my face no longer mattered, I could hear noises in the background of the pack falling but I couldn't make out what they were talking about. My eyes were beginning to feel heavy and I could hear Alistair shouting at me, but his words didn't make any sense. I couldn't feel Thea in my mind either, there was just silence. Was I dying? No I could still hear my heartbeat. Letting out another deep breath my eyes eventually closed and sleep took over.


One week later

Beep. Beep. Beep.

A gentle beeping noise in a steady rhythm drummed through my ears which made my ears twitch. I licked my licked my tongue along my mouth feeling how dry it was and all i could think about was getting a drink of water. Steadily blinking my eyes open the light blinded my right eye, but darkness still eluded my left. As I continued to blink to try and focus I came to realise I was no longer wearing the bandage on my face. I looked lifted my head and glanced around the room to see the pure white walls with weird looking machines that had wires attached to my body. As my eyes adjusted to the light I began to realise my left eye was seeing dark shadows, I could make out the shapes in the room but it wasn't colour, it wasn't light, it was still dark and it was in slow motion. There was no longer any pain in my face which meant I was probably fully healed, how long had I been asleep in here? My healing abilities were supposed to be quick which meant I had probably been in here for a week at most. The last thing I remembered was pinning Rosie to the floor. Did I win?

Looking to the wires i attempted to move my body to get them off, but pain shot through my fore legs as it looked like I had been stabbed with something. Two more wire looking things were connected to them which looked like they were feeding my body with something. Small bandages were holding them in place, so using my teeth I easily bit through them and with one quick motion I ripped what I think were needles out my legs. The wires on my chest just fell off as I jumped down off from the bed, but the beeping machine stopped beeping and made one flat noise which caused a huge commotion. Two people in white coats came running in, in a panic.

I just stared at them in shock whilst they look terrified, I recognised one of them. It was the doctor who had bandaged my face up when I first arrived, Hayley. She quickly relaxed and came in to quickly turn off the machine. However the other one who entered just continued to stare at me, they still looked terrified.
"We need to mindlink the Alpha," Hayley declared, her voice was full of authority and the other doctor in the labcoat just nodded before they fled. "I'm sorry about her. I know you won't hurt us." She gave me a genuine smile, did this mean she was no longer afraid of me?

"How are you feeling, are you feeling better?" She asked, she began to tidy up the wires and doing other various things as I just stood there. "You can just nod or shake your head to respond." I hesitated slightly before nodding my head. "Thats good, the Alpha will be pleased. Can you see in your left eye at all? You've got minimal scarring by the way, your mouth healed beautifully, you must have amazing healing abilities." She smiled at me when she said that. I contemplated how to respond with that question, I had minimal vision in that eye but technically I could see so I decided to nod.

"Oh my goddess! That's amazing!! Can you see perfectly? Your eye looks clouded so I'm so surprised by that, I was so sure that you would be blind," she sounded so excited and she even threw arms in the air which made me jump back and I crashed into the wall behind me. I pinned my ears back and somewhat scrunched up my face. I shook my face in response to her. "I'm so sorry for making you jump! Hopefully in time your vision may improve." She gave me another smile before the door burst open and Alistair ran in. His hair had been cut and he was now clean shaven, his sweet scent of chocolate swarmed me and I couldn't help but think of pancakes.

"Oh my god Alice!!" Alistair gasped, he ran towards and threw his arms around me, I closed my eyes and shoved my nose into his neck breathing in his thick sweet scent. Something was wrong. Something else was mixed in with it. Thea suddenly emerged, I could feel her anger burning through me.

Rosie was mixed in with his scent.

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