Chapter Twenty-three

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Alice POV

I was back in the room i was in yesterday except I wasnt tied to the cross. I pulled the robe around me tightly as I felt Candide staring at me with them deep red eyes. He hadn't spoken directly to me yet, only to Seth and even then I didnt know what he had actually said. I chewed on the inside of my cheek feeling uncomfortable. I saw the corners of Candides mouth flick up and he took a step towards me. As he did, I took a step back. Big mistake.

A growl erupted from him and suddenly he was infront of me. He grabbed a hold of my waist and gripped me tightly which made me wince. The whip marks from yesterday were only scratches now but I was still bruised from them.

"You don't move unless told too, understand?" He hissed in my face. His face was so close to mine and I could smell blood lingering on breath once again. I nodded my head in response and chewed on my lip. I didnt like that he was so close to me. It made me uncomfortable. I didnt like that he touched me yesterday either, I didnt understand it. No one had ever licked me before, was it now normal for people to lick each other? I could always ask Zander later.

Candide let go of me and took a few steps back as the door reopened. Thinking of Zander he was suddenly thrown into the room with Seth following. He landed roughly on the floor and I took a step forward to help him up but Candide let out a growl warning me. Chewing on the inside of my cheek I contemplated what I should do.

Zander shook his head and pushed himself up off the floor quickly and just stood there with his head low. His body was covered in scars, whip marks, knife marks, marks I couldn't work out, marks that were still fresh. What had they done to him, what were they still doing to him.

He avoided eye contact with me and turned his back to look at Candide. Seth had walked over to the table and picked up the whip which made me frown and grit my teeth. I felt my own marks ache and I saw Zander flinch.

"So little wolf, today you're going to learn to shift on command, I've heard you've had some problems in the past, common in black wolves, Luke here is going to teach you," Candide went on. I forgot everything he said though. The only word I had heard was Luke. My head snapped to Luke and confusion whirled round my head. "Oops." Candide laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I screamed, uncle Luke flinched and I suddenly felt bad for raising my voice. And my eyes averted to Candide. Anger was burning through me at what they had done to him. Candide just stood there smiling whilst leaning against the wall. The hell is wrong with everyone.

Its not his fault. A voice echoed through my mind. 

Where the hell have you been. I growled at her.

I'm sorry. Just like you I need time to heal. Thea retreated back into my mind straight after which angered me even more.

"STOP!!!" My head was flung to the side and i fell down to the floor. My cheek stung and my hands felt raw as they scratched the surface of the cobbled floor. I suddenly snapped out of talking to Thea. Candide was stood over me, anger evident on his face, "You never talk to your wolf in my presence." I frowned at him which got me another slap on my cheek, I mistakenly let out a growl and I was grabbed up by the scruff. "Don't test me little wolf!" He spat in my face. He dropped me on the floor and nodded his head to Seth.

Seth smirked over at me and grabbed some cloth from the table before charging over to me. He grabbed a hold of me and ripped the robe off of my body before I could push him off of me. I was once again naked in the cold with both the vampires laughing at my embarrassment. Uncle Luke still refused to move and held his head low and was looking away from me.

"Put these on," Seth laughed and threw the clothes at me. I looked to the clothes that he threw at me to see that it was a simple black vest and a pair of denim shorts. At least I'd be covered up. I quickly slid them on and Seth roughly grabbed me by the arm dragging me to my feet to bring me to stand next to Luke.

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