Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alice POV

The burning began to ease after a few hours of just hanging there on the posts. Candide just stood there leaning there against the wall smirking at me, he was enjoying my pain. He didn't even have to do anything to me. The other vampire had long left us, I felt uncomfortable, I was still naked, I was cold and just wanted to curl up and hide.

"Right my little pit of darkness," he began as he trailed towards me, his hand then stroked down the side my face and he lifted it up to face him. His eyes burned deep into mine, the redness in them were like two pits of lava that swirled round, i could still feel the burning in my stomach. I felt sick. "Shall we begin?"

Begin? Begin what?

"Lets make a deal shall we? Each time you obey I will give you something in return," he released my face and I dropped my head. I furrowed my brow confused by what he meant. I clenched my jaw and peered back up at him. A shiver ran up my back making me feel uneasy.

"O..Obey?" I questioned, my teeth chattered together. My mouth was dry still from the lack of water in my system.

"Yes obey, you're mine little wolf," his eyes darkened as he said that. He took a few steps back and picked something up from the table. I narrowed my eyes to see what it was and my breath hitched. He wouldn't would he?

"Tell me your name," he said calmly. I tilted my head confused by this. I tilted my head I had told him my name, why was he asking again. Suddenly pain seared down my shoulder and chest as the whip he held cut down through my skin and flesh. I breathed but clenched my jaw trying not to cry out. I heard him let out a deep breath clearly frustrated at my silence.

"I asked you for your name," he asked through gritted teeth, his eyes glowed as he spoke and he took a step closer towards me. I heard his grip tighten on the whip as the leather grinded together.

I let out a deep breath and chewed on my lip, should I answer him or was this what Zander was on about?


The same pain ripped down through into my chest cutting deep in my breast and down my stomach. I could feel blood starting to ooz out my wounds and dripping down my skin, my teeth grinded together but I somehow still refused to cry out.

Where was the darkness, why was it not protecting me from this monster?

"Al...Alice," I muttered out, turning my head away from him. Pain seared down through my leg as the whip came down onto my thigh and i felt the trickling of blood drip down towards my foot. I frowned at him and growled. "THATS MY NAME!" I roared at him.

"No," he calmly said. I bared my teeth, I could feel anger pulsing through me now, why was my life being turned upside down. My life was fine in the woods. I had Thea. Sure I was alone but I was safe. Now. My mate betrayed me, Thea had abandoned me, I'm stuck here in this god forsaken place and now I was more alone then I had ever been.

"Good, use that anger," his pearly whites shone as he smiled at me. I let out another growl and struggled against the restraints. Ignoring the pain from when I cut my wrists earlier on. "Now tell me your name."

"ALICE!" I roared at him. He furrowed his brow at me and I felt the whip rip down through into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth and a small cry came out my mouth as much as I tried to hold it back. Candide chuckled at my pain this time though.

"No, try again. What is your name?" he was chuckling as he spoke but I could see the frustration in his eyes. "I told you, if you obey you will get something in return. How about some clothes?" I chewed on my lip thinking about this for a second. I may obey but that doesn't mean he broke me. I flicked my eyes to stare into his. If my name isn't Alice to him what is it?

"Lit...Litle wolf?" It came out more of a question. I wasn't sure I was right. But I wanted clothes. I needed clothes. I couldn't stay naked. Not for another night. A smile spread across Candide's mouth and he placed the whip onto the table. I let out a sigh of relief and attempted to relax against the posts.

"I'll call Seth to bring you some robes as he takes you back to your cell, you've done well little wolf, I'll see you tomorrow," what he did next disgusted me to my very core. He walked up to me and buried his face right into my neck. He breathed in heavily taking in a deep whiff of my scent before trailing his face down to the wound on my chest. He breathed in the scent of my blood before tasting it with his tongue and lapped up a few droplets. "Lets hope you behave tomorrow little wolf." If there was any contents in my stomach I knew I would be sick.


Seth had basically thrown me into the cell when he dragged me back, I didn't care though. The robe I got was thick and warm. Although I was given no underwear I was able to huddle up against the wall and keep warm. Seth had also been ordered to give me water and some food which I had scoffed down immediately. It wasn't much but if I had indulged on a full meal i would have probably thrown it back up.

Thankfully my wounds weren't deep and I feel that they were already healing, they would probably look like scratches by morning.

"The fact you have a robe and have eaten means you cracked, in just one day no less!" Zander hissed at me making me jump at the sudden noise. I frowned and gritted my teeth at his accusation. I narrowed my eyes and realised that I could see his shadow with my bad eye. He was stood up leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. His body was tensed and I could see the shorts he wore were torn and very worn.

I kept quiet not saying a word to him, what could I say? Any of the vampires could be listening and I didn't want them knowing my plan. Zander was shaking his head and slid down the wall. He dropped his head into his hands and I couldnt help but feel confused by his actions.

"You need to be stronger," he whispered quietly. His voice was full of pain and I could no longer look at him. I looked down to the ground awkwardly before deciding to ask him a question.

"Are you like me?" I questioned, thankfully since having some water I was now able to talk much better.

I kept my eyes lowered and began to trace my fingers along the cobbled stones, keeping my mind occupied. I heard a slight grunt come from his cell, I wasnt sure if this was because he wanted to stay silent or because he was still annoyed with me.

"A black wolf, yes," he replied quite bluntly. Was he the black wolf that found me, leading the vampires too me? I furrowed my brow and frowned.

"So it's your fault I'm here?" I accused, my voice came our harsher than I expected. I frowned more when I heard a laugh echo through my mind. Why was Thea ignoring my calls and why couldn't I feel her? Where had that laugh come from?

Zander ignored me and silence had greeted me instead. I let out a sigh and continued to trace along the cold cobble stones.

"My so called mate called the vampires, its not your fault you had to hunt me," I told him without thinking. I chewed on my lip and looked across to Zander hoping to get a response from him.

"Dont let them break you," Zander said ignoring my comment about my mate. He then went on to to hug his legs and rest his head on them. For someone who looked so strong, he now looked so vulnerable. I felt so sorry for him. How long had he been here for?

"I'm not going too." I whispered.

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