Chaper Eighteen

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Unknown POV

Pain. Was all I felt in life now. I was accustomed to it. I had nothing to live for, nothing to fight for. I was only here for one thing. For their entertainment. For their dirty work. 

A blinding light pierced through into my cell when I heard keys clanking against the cell door.
"Come on mutt, were going on a trip," a cloaked figure with bright red eyes hissed at me. I let out a growl but didn't fight him on it. There was no use in fighting. I had learned that the hard way. "Shift you stupid mutt."

With the cracking of my bones, awkward angles of limbs and several seconds later I stood there infront of him at chest height in my wolf form. My wolf no longer spoke to me but he was still there. His will had been broken. This is what they do. They break us.

The vampire came over to us attaching a leather collar onto my neck. A small chain was attached to it which acted as a lead. Embedded in the collar was small silver spikes, if I even slightly tugged on the collar, the silver spikes would burn into my skin. If I disobey, they can trigger a needle that directly injects silver into my bloodstream. Very well thought out. 

"Come," he spoke as he led me out of my cell. There was about ten cells all together but I was their only prisoner. I kept my head low as I followed him out and into the courtyard of the castle. The castle was quite extravagant, I had only ever been in the grand hall and that was basically to just sit next to the 'vampire King' as he calls himself.

A black van was parked up with an SUV with blacked out windows. I was led to the black van and put into a cage that was barred with silver.

"Good little pup," the vampire chuckled before slamming the doors shut. It wasn't often I went on road trips with them. It was usually to intimidate his clans. I had wiped out two wolf packs, which is what caused my wolf Storm to become mute. The vampires were looking for someone and they made me use the darkness to help them.

I laid down in the cage and rested my head on my paws. Hopefully this journey wouldn't be long. When they hit bumps I sometimes get thrown into the silver bars. It burns.


I'm not sure how long we were driving for but it felt like a lifetime. I was thrown into the bars so many times that i was pretty sure all my fur had been burned off. When the van came to a halt, My wolf, Storm,  suddenly felt anxious in my mind. It had been a long time since i felt an emotion from him. It kind of threw me back a bit to the point i didn't even notice when the door to my cage was open. It wasn't until I was grabbed roughly out of the van that I realised I was asked to get out. 

"You'll pay for your disobedience when we get back mutt," the vampire growled at me. he roughly tugged on my lead causing the spikes to pierce into my flesh and the silver bleed into my system. I let out a small whimper before i began to take in my surroundings. We were on pack grounds. I looked to each of the pack members staring at me, fear and anger evident on their eyes. Was I here to wipe out another pack? Storm was getting agitated. He was urging for me to look around. He never played up like this. He was going to get us killed. Actually that didn't sound like a bad idea. 

"Come wolf," a voice rang through the air. Candide Valentine. King of the vampires. Candide walked over to me to grab my lead, he had sleek long black hair which was pinned back into a pony tail and his bright red eyes pierced right into my own. His face held a smirk which took me back. I steadily walked by his side feeling all eyes on me from the pack we made our way across to the pack house. 

"You must be Candide? My name is Alistair" his aura held power. He must be the Alpha. He was tall with brown hair that curled at the bottom. His hazel eyes held my own for a second and he held a frown, i could smell fear irradiating from him. I tilted my head questioningly. None of the Alphas ever greeted Candide when I have come. He had a blonde girl clinging to his arm like her life depended on it. Her face was buried in his chest, probably out of fear. Must be his mate.

"That's King Candide," Candide bit back at him. Two guys behind Alistair tensed. The blonde one looked deflated, he looked to be wearing a black eye. His piercing green eyes met mine but he quickly turned away. The other brown haired guy just stood there tense, his blue eyes were open in fear. Vampires had wiped out my pack, so I could understand the feeling. 

"Please lets take this to my office?" Alistair said, his voice sounded like it was about to break out of fear. Why was we here? I glanced around to the pack members who were whispering among themselves but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Some pointed to me, which was understandable. I was a black wolf. The last one. 

"Luke! Luke is that you?" an old voice suddenly shouted out. My eyes opened wide and my head whipped round to see one of the elders walking into the clearing towards me and the group of vampires. The spikes were poking into my skin but I didn't care. Someone had said my name. I was  no longer just mutt or wolf. I heard my name for the first time in ten years. He opened his mouth to say something else but before he could two pack members grabbed him and dragged him off. What the hell was going on?

"Sorry about that, well shall we?" Alistair said trying to put some authority in his tone. Alistair was looking at me with some confusion but shook his head before looking back to Candide.

"Here is just fine," Candide seethed. Candide knew if in a confined space he could be jumped. Here I was at my full potential to wipe out the pack if need be. Not that I wanted too. Someone knew who I was. 

Alistair fidgeted slightly and I saw Alex drop his head. They were mind linking about something. I glanced around again looking to the pack members who were still looking at me. 

"I'm waiting 'Alpha'," Candide emphasized on the word Alpha. He didn't like wolves. He thought them weak and pathetic. Apart from the black ones. He dedicated his life looking for them. I stood next to him and could hear his feet stamping the ground impatiently under his long black cloak. 

"We have ran into a little hiccup," Alistair muttered, he looked down to the ground as he said it. My ears twitched as I listened to what he said next. "The black wolf ran off into the woods about five hours ago after she managed to fight off the sleep induced coma."

Black wolf? Wait what? There was another one? I could feel Candide shaking in anger and knew this wasn't going to end well. 

"Where the hell did she go?" he screamed out in anger. She? Who was this wolf? My eyes frantically looked backwards and forwards from Alistair and Candide hoping for some answers.

"We.. we don't know," Alistair growled out as he looked back to Alex. I tilted my head trying to work out what had happened. Storm whined in my head and clawed at the barriers. He wanted to go find her. 

"Well shes your mate, surely you can somewhat track her?" Candide snapped, i felt a sharp tug on my lead as he threw his arms into the air which made me yelp. Candide cackled at my pain as did a few of the other vampires. The pack went silent though. 

"I rejected her," Alistair said bluntly. His face had gone cold as he looked down to the girl clinging to his arm. Who the hell would reject their mate. Wait she had a mate? Black wolves don't get mates? I'd have done anything for a mate. It was why my Niece was to become the next Alpha.

"Useless! All of you!" Candide spat. Candide then looked at me and smirked. "You want to see your little niece again? Well you better put that nose to good use cause were going on a hunting trip mutt." 

Alice is alive?

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