Chapter Three

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Alice POV

I still wasn't sure it was safe to go back to the den, but I needed to get teddy Thea. She had to come with me. My wolf hadn't spoke to me again since we saw our mate, I could feel that she felt sad. I felt sad too, I missed the scent that had drawn me too him. I didn't even know him; how could I miss something I never had in the first place? I tried to shake the feeling as I edged closer to the den, I kept sniffing the air making sure no danger was near. I couldn't smell anything, nor could I hear anything. This didn't mean they were out there though. They could be hiding; they would be well trained. Pack training that I never had.

My den seemed clear, I laid in bushes nearby watching the entrance for about an hour. I was very careful. This would be the last time I would be here. I eventually gained the courage to dash across and dive under the branch into the entrance. I saw my teddy at the back of the cave and rubbed my face up against it, tears welled up in my eyes. I looked up at the walls around the cave, scratched lines from the rock I used were etched into them where I kept track of the weeks. I dropped my head in sadness and picked up my bear. My shoulders sunk and I headed back out of my den, a new journey was about to begin again far away from this land and from my mate. I heard Thea whine from the back of mind which stabbed at my heart, I didn't like hurting her, we had grown close over the years.

I padded down along the edge of the cliffs, making sure I kept a good sense of the smells around me. I didn't want to run into of the smells that I smelt before. I had to be sure I didn't run into any pack territory as well. This territory had been perfect because it was huge, and it was unclaimed. I had been lucky to of found it. Being a rogue was not something I had ever wanted to become. I had always been told since being a toddler that it was a very bad thing to be.

As I ventured further afield, I made sure to keep a gentle hold of my bear; I didn't want to cause any more damage to her. This journey was going to be treacherous, I had to be sure to protect her. I soon came to the edge of my territory, I knew because I got a strong smell of pack territory, I quickly changed paths making sure I could no longer smell it. Was that the pack my mate was in? I couldn't really smell the other werewolves; I was too busy remembering the chocolate and honey.

I recalled the memory of seeing my mate with the way his hair laid messily on his head and his deep green eyes like pretty emeralds. Images flashed through my eyes it was of my mum wearing emerald earrings, she was getting ready for an evening meal. Dad was wearing a smart suit and Uncle Luke was babysitting me, we played a lot of fun games and he let me stay up very late that night, mum wasn't very happy with him. I think I was only about seven. Mum looked so pretty that night. I chuckled in my head at the memory and my heart swelled. I would of done anything to be back at home with my parents. I remembered crying for weeks for my parents. I kept asking for Thea to take me home, that there could have been a chance that my uncle or my dad could be alive, there were hundreds of arguments about it. 


I crashed right into a tree and slumped to the floor with Thea still in my mouth. Thankfully I could feel she was still intact. A pain pulsed straight through my head and my eyes were struggling to focus. Shaking my head, I tried to stand back up onto my paws. 


Oh, now you're speaking to me. You could have warned me about the tree. 

Silence. Yep that's about right. I curled up against the tree taking a break and hoping the headache would pass. I rubbed my face against my bear thinking back to the memory I had of my mum and dad. I missed them. I curled my tail around me letting it cover my bear and half my face, tears began to fill my eyes and I could feel my fur begin to feel damp around my snout. The furriness of my bear gave me little comfort. Taking in a deep breath, a sharp pain caused me to wince as I remembered where the doe had kicked me in my chest. I hoped to be healed in the morning so that I could travel further.  Before long, my eyes felt heavy and I could no longer keep them open.3 

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