Chapter Seventeen

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Oooo wonder what happened in that week for Alistair to suddenly change his mind on everything :o poor Alice. Hope you enjoy :D

Back to present day

Alice POV

teeth still bared. Hackles up. I didnt take my eyes off of him. Who the hell does he think he is. His eyes narrowed at me before a smirk spread across his face.

"Pleasant smell ain't it," he taunted. Was he talking about the smell of Rosie? I let out a snarl and another growl erupted from my chest. I looked to the door, thinking about my escape. I had one stop to make first and that was to get Theabear. "You could never be a mate the way you are." His voice came out in more like a hiss. His words cut deep and a small whine escaped my lips unvoluntarily. Why would he say that?

"Vampires are on their way to get you by the way, they paid a handsome price," he shrugged as he walked closer to me. He did what now! He sold me? "Also made a good deal too, were basically allies now since were handing you over, so I never have to worry about vampires." He laughed. I never thought i would want too but I wanted to use the darkness right now. I didn't care anymore. Thea was gone though, I could no longer feel her. All I felt was pain. I cowered down to the floor no longer feeling like I had the energy to fight.

"One last thing," Alistair spoke up, "I believe this is yours?" He emptied the contents of torn up fluff and fabric. Thea bear. I threw my head back and howled out in pain, why? Why would anyone be so cruel? He seemed so caring. So loving. I should never have let my guard down.

"Alis- the fuck did you do!" Alex gasped as he ran into the room. I could feel his stare as his feet padded closer to me.

"Me and Rosie took care of it, vampires will be here later to pick her up," Alistair shrugged. I let out another whimper and nudged the fluff on the floor. Thea bear was gone. The one last thing I had left of my family. Gone. Alex stood there saying nothing and the doctor was still cowering at the other side of the room.

"Alex please take this wolf to the cells," Alistair growled at Alex. This wolf? "I have some unfinished business with a certain minx left in my room." Pain shot down through my chest at them words. "Oh one last thing." He began, he stared right into my eyes with a smirk on his face. "I Alistair Brooke reject you Alice Locke as my mate. Hmm That should do it." He nods his head smiling before walking out the room.

My heart was shattered. Pain was all I felt. I wish someone would explain to me what this was all about. Once Alistair was gone, the doctor shuffled back round to us and I could hear Alex and her whispering but I didnt care what they were talking about. I knew it would be about me. I was just one big joke to their pack now.

"I'm sorry Alice, but i need to take you to the cells," Alex sighed as he rested a hand in my head. Sadness was evident in his eyes but I couldn't trust him. I shook my head to push his hand off me before snapping my jaw at him as a warning. "I promise not to hurt you, I don't agree with Alistair." Still don't believe you.

"Let her run," Hayley the doctor suddenly said. Let her run? As in let me go? I flicked my ears forward listening in on their conversation. I nuzzled into the fuzzy fluff of Thea bear and breathed in her old scent. I was going to miss this old bear. What did I do for Alistair to turn on me like this.

"Will they not catch her?" Alex pondered. I looked up at him and he was still staring down at me. Water was pricking my eyes, all i wanted to do was cry but it was hard to do being in wolf form. I didn't want to be alone anymore. 

"Its her only chance, she survived this long," Hayley whispered, her face was full of sadness too. I didn't have any hate towards her, how could I? She had only ever helped me. She healed my face. but then. What if that was just to trick me and make think they were nice.

"Alice listen to me," Alex whispered. He leaned down so he was near my ear, his voice was low and calm. It didn't stop me from tensing though with him being in close proximity to me. "You need to go, you need to go now! Just run. Run as fast as you can and don't look back. If you ever shift please don't come back. Its not safe. I'm so sorry." His voice was cracking at the end, did he actually feel sorry for me? Was he really letting me go or was this another trick?

"Now Alice, head to the right, outside this room and its straight out the door at the end of the hall!" He hissed at me gesturing to the door. I glanced to the door and then to Hayley. This would be my only chance, trick or not I had to take it. I hesitantly stepped forward over my shredded Thea bear and crawled out the room. There was no one in the hall, so taking in a deep sharp breath. I ran.

As the doors flung open to the building there was three pack members stood outside just staring at me. Not being able to feel Thea I knew the darkness wouldn't show. I flicked my eyes to each one of them, and they all looked determined to catch me. Each of them was carrying some kind of pole with a loop on the end. Was that for me? I looked to the trees at the edge of the clearing and without another moments hesitation, I dug my claws into the ground using it to propell myself as I set off into a sprint towards the woods.

Branch's, bushes, plants all tried to grab at my fur as I ran through the thick unfamiliar woods. The thudding of my paws on the ground pounded through my ears, my breathing kept steady and all I could think about was getting out of here. I had to leave. I was no longer safe. I had to find Uncle Luke.


After a few hours of constant running, I slowed down to a trot when I saw a stream coming up in front of me. I had great endurance but I wasn't sure how long I'd been without a drink or any proper food.

Thea? I called out to her.

Nothing. I let out a sigh as I trotted down to a stream and started taking massive laps of water. I didn't realise how thirsty I was. Lifting my nose into the air I sniffed for any prey that may be near by. Nothing. I tilted my head and sniffed again when I realised there wasn't even the sound of a bird chirping. No prey? Where was i? I twitched my ears trying to listen for anything. The only sounds I could hear was the bubbling of the stream, creaking of the trees and the wind blowing through the trees.

Where was all the animals? I looked back down to the stream to see my reflection staring back at me. This was the first time I had seen my face since the bandages had been removed. A scar went down through my left eye, with claw marks that went down to my muzzle. Bits of fur was still missing and part of my mouth was missing which showed my front canine. I flinched back from my appearance unable to look at it anymore. Was this why Alistair no longer wanted me? I slumped down on the ground feeling hurt. Pain still coursed through my body and my heart longed for my mate.


Walking through the woods i had my head hung low as I sniffed the ground hoping to come across even a mouse. How could there be no prey in such dense woods with a stream nearby. I kept finding my tongue wiping itself over the tooth that was peeking out from my mouth. I always thought werewolves healed really well? What happened to me?

I came to the conclusion I was probably going to starve. It had been a few hours now and still nothing. Night was creeping in and I was going to have to find a place to sleep. Thankfully It didn't take me long to find a fallen tree that had a gap big enough for me to lay in. I don't think it was going to rain but you could never be too careful.

As I laid my head down on my paws my mind wandered to today's events. I wondered if Alex is okay after letting me go? As with Hayley. I shook my head trying to forget about them. I had to forget. Would the vampires be there now though? Would uncle luke be with them? Stop it Alice, I thought to myself. Is Alistair with Rosie? I let out a small whine at that thought. I needed Thea and Thea bear. I felt truly alone for the first time in my life. Do I not deserve happiness?

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