Chapter Twenty-Seven

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One year later

Alice POV

I collapsed down to the ground exhaustion taking over my body as I felt the darkness drift away. Every day for the past year Candide dragged me to the courtyard to practise controlling the darkness. Thea didn't like the idea of doing it on command but it meant we would be stronger and more likely to be able to escape. I had been able to control the darkness today for a few hours which was the longest I had been able to control it for to date. Uncle Luke was able to control it for nearly a whole day which made me nervous about what he could do with it. He reassured me though that he had never wiped out a pack it was the previous black wolves that had lost their minds that had done that. The last black wolf had apparently ripped out his own heart because of the last thing he did. We have yet to find out what awful deed he had done.

Breathing heavily into the grass I felt my canines retract back to their normal size and the dark clouds dissipated from around me. My eyes felt heavy as tiredness filled my body and I felt Someone hovering over me while I laid their struggling for breath.

"Youre doing well little wolf," Candide purred, his hand ran down my neck and I felt his finger stroke into my soft black fur. I cringed at his touch like I always did. Luke was disgusted when I told him what he did in the first encounter where he licked me. He refused to talk to me about it too. So it left me in more confusion. "Wont be long before we will be taking a visit to that pack with your old mate." He sniggered. I froze at that and tensed. "Dont act like you care after what they did." I cared about a few of the people in the pack just not my mate. Thea growled but she knew not to speak. I forget Alistair isn't my mate anymore. Did this mean I didn't have a mate?

Candide took a step back away from me and I got back up to my paws shakily. I shook out my fur and felt my muscles bristle. My eyes flicked to the entrance of the cells longing to see my uncle before flicking back to Candide. I hadnt seen him in a few months now since I had been sleeping in the castle. Candide decided he wanted to keep me close but refused to let me shift. It was like I was his own personal lap dog, so unfortunately, being shifted in my human form was short lived. My tongue flicked over my canines as I followed him towards the castle and I couldnt help but think how easy it would be to sink my canines into his neck from here.

We should do it. Thea growled. Her tail wagged in excitement through my mind at the mere thought of it.

As much as I agreed with her, I had to restrain myself from doing it. Feeling candides hand run back into my neck he nudged my collar which caused the silver to tap down onto my flesh. The silver no longer burned me as my skin had adjusted to it and built up some sort of immunity but I couldnt let the vampires know this so I pretended to flinch and let out a small whimper which earned me a small chuckle from Candide. It might not have an effect on my skin but having it injected it would cause me to drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes. 

Clenching my jaw I dropped my head trying to rid my head of my murderous thoughts. Images flashed through my mind of Candide laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood but I couldnt risk doing anything that would put Uncle Lukes life on the line. It was something that was constantly threatened if I didnt obey.

As I headed into the castle beside Candide I saw him throw his cloak onto a hook that was just inside the door. The grand Hall always amazed me. It made the vampires seem less... like monsters to be honest. It looked more modern and normal like it was the right era. A red rug was rolled down the hall towards a grand wooden staircase while large ceiling crystal chandeliers hung low. Pristine white Sofas were lined up against the wall with side tables that had various lamps sitting on them.

Candide lead me down to the dining hall to the left of the hallway which was just as grand as the hall, it had a huge oak table with matching chairs. Being his pet dog. I had a dog bed in the corner which I went to sit down on and some dog bowls that were filled with chicken and water.

Like I said. He treat me like his pet dog.

There were other vampires sat around the table talking amongst themselves but the room went deadly silent as soon as Candide sat down at the head of the table.

"My king," they all suddenly said in unison. They bowed their heads and Candide bowed his head back to them. I rolled my eyes and laid down in my bed. Sneering at it as I laid my head down on a soft cushion. I shouldn't complain really, it was comfier than the cell, but I felt guilty when I thought about my uncle Luke. I hadnt made any attempt to save him and it was beginning to eat me up. I was living in comfort whilst he slept in a dingy cold cell. What kind of niece was I to leave him there?

Letting out a sigh I Glanced over towards the rest of the vampires and saw they all had a wine glass filled with fresh human blood. The metallic smell stung my nose which made me gag. I would never get used to the smell of blood.

"My king, I have news from the Alphas of the wolf packs," one of the vampires said as he stood up. I usually ignored the chatter but my curiosity peaked at the words Alphas and wolf pack. I narrowed my eyes and focused my eyes on the vampire.

He had shaggy black long hair and dull red eyes. Weirdly his wine glass was empty and had no evidence of any human blood being poured in there. Confusion flooded my mind and I almost missed what he said next.

"Their calling for a meeting with you, my king," he mumbled before sitting back down. I couldn't help but be curious about this vampire. Something was different about him. His eyes weren't the deep red that every other vampires were. They were dull, and his skin looked grey and haggard not white and pale. I lifted my head, tilting it in the process trying to work this vampire out. How come I hadn't noticed him before?

"What do you mean a meeting?" Candide sneered as he sipped on his glass. The smell of blood always put me off my own food as it made my stomach churn. My thoughts drifted to Uncle Luke again and I hoped that he was being fed a good amount.

"They are calling for a truce, they are scared since we have two black wolves my king," he bowed his head before sitting back down in his chair. Well more like fell down.

Candide burst out laughing and the rest of the vampires erupted into a fit of laughter too. I couldn't help but feel tense and anger towards each one of them.

"You hear that little wolf? The Alphas are terrified," Candide mocked. I didnt show any emotion as Candide smirked at me. I looked to the vampire who had given the information to Candide and he was just sat there with a solemn look on his face. He wasn't laughing.

"Alaric why are you not finding this hilarious," Candide enquired. His voice had become quite serious now. So Alaric was the vampires name. Interesting.

"Fear isn't something to be taken lightly," Alaric mumbled as he stared down at the table, he let out an exasperated sigh before looking across to me. I met his gaze and twitched my ears. As I narrowed my eyes at him I noticed him flinch before shuffling his chair uncomfortably

"And why is that?" Candide chuckled as he took another big swig from his glass making my stomach churn.

"Fear can make people go to drastic measures to ensure the safety of their people."

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