Chapter 12

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The last show of the Aus tour went off with an absolute bang, literally. The pyrotechnics had been doubled up to make the ending ever more tremendous and powerful.
Myself and the girls had been watching the live feed from within the comfort of Marshall's RV that had arrived after we'd got to the stadium.

Once safely back at the hotel it was time for the end of tour after party, although Marshall had told me that we wasn't staying long as we had somewhere else to be, we meaning just the two of us.

My hair and make up was touched up and I'd slipped myself into a little black dress with tassels draping from each sleeve, it was something a little different and the loose fitting was perfect for the warm evening. I teamed up my dress with a perfect pair of black Louboutin's, I loved how the red sole matched my red lips.

We was sat around laughing and chatting, most of the conversations and hype was based around the show and the audience. I was drinking with the rest of the crew with the exception of Marshall and Royce who stuck to their water. I wasn't looking forward to the 20+ hour plain flight with a beaming hangover but excitement was bouncing from us all and alcohol just had to be consumed.
It was a high class setting in which we was in, we was on the top floor of the hotel so I didn't feel overly dressed up being that we wasn't out in public but looking at Tracy I couldn't help feeling OTT, she was wearing a pair of jeans, some trainers and a Eminem tour crew hoodie, I snapped out of my fashion thoughts as my name was spoken and laughter arose from it,

"What was that?" I asked Marshall who was sat by my side on the arm of my chair,

(Em) "Say that again Royce" he folded his arms, grinning to himself,

(Royce) "We was saying how some woman who kinda looked like you stopped us in the hotel lobby this morning, she was sporting some fancy big beach hat with some shades that covered up her face and she shouted me, and you know me, I'm cool with taking a photo with a fan yea? But uh.." He grinned,
"This broad came up to me, and ah, she go 'Hey have you seen Marshall?' So, I'm like... I'm on tour with the guy what do you think? Like I didn't say that but you know... and so I'm bugging 'cause I'm kinda lost for words at this moment, people don't just say that to me, but anyway I answer and go sorry he ain't taking photos right now, she pulls a frown and she goes 'Royce it's me silly' Now I'm thinking aight what? I even take off my shades to look at her, I go who? She goes 'Jodie, didn't he tell you I was coming?' And my dumb ass believed her!!"

"Royce!" We laughed,
"How could you not know it wasn't me?"

"Ay no offence but half her face was covered, she was dressed like you, wore the lipstick, same kind of body, in big ass heels and you know, I think it's you anyway so I'm feeling like a clown so I'm like apologizing to this woman and tell her I'll take her up to Marshall's room.." We laughed,

"No way" I giggled, feeling ashamed for him,

(Royce) "Yeah right... Anyways so we at the room and Marshall was up in the hotels gym, so we sat around waiting on him and Tracy came on through the room and stabs me with her eyes like I'm perpetrating, ay Trace tell 'em what you said to me.." He looked and pointed at Tracy who shook her head smiling, she leant back and folded her arms,

(Tracy) "I'm just.. I'm like.. Royce, what are you doing? That's all I could say, he's sat there on the sofa with this woman like he's doing nothing wrong and he says to me 'oh we're just  waiting on Marshall'" we all laughed,
"I'm like are you crazy? Get out of the room with your fancy piece he will kill you!" (Laughter)

(Royce) "And I stand up I'm like My fancy piece? Nah she's here to surprise him he knows she's coming but she got here early? You should of seen the look on Tracy's face, Jodie do you know that look somebody would make if they saw something nasty like someone drinking a cup of puke or something?"

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