Chapter 14

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After speeches we were pretty much left to party the night away, I'd seen various famous models and artists as they approached me to talk with me about my keen eye for fashion and style, I'd never received so many compliments in my life. Many young single golddiggers with fake lips, tits and hair tried many times to steal Matthew from my side but for some reason he only seemed comfortable in my presence, maybe because I wasn't trying to get him into bed for his billions.
He was one of New Yorks most desirable bachelors now that he had been divorced for  five months. He was really good looking with a handsome charm about him so I did question why he'd not taken the opportunity to date again.

I stood at the end of the deck, drinking my champagne and just having a little time out from everyone. I wanted to just enjoy a drink without being mitherd every second about Marshall, my body, my hair or my fashion sense, my ears were ringing...

I looked over my shoulder,

"Oh, hey you" I smiled as Matthew joined me, also resting his elbows on the yachts railings,

"Had enough of the interrogations?" He smirked and sipped on his scotch,

"You could say that. I don't know how you've put up with it all night" I softly laughed,

"I'm proud to be asked many questions" he flashed his confident bright white smile,

"Well I hate it, I don't like to be bothered, I never have"

"You might of stepped into the wrong life style then, no?" We chuckled,

"I know, it's crazy how I've ended up at the forefront of media attention when I actually hate being the centre of.. well anything really"

"I don't think it's by any fault of your own, the spotlight.. it's drawn to you" he smiled his Hollywood smile at me again, his green eyes vibrant and full of energy,

"Maybe I should stop playing the glamorous wife and not care for my image, maybe that will stop them wanting to take photos or talk about me"

"I think even with the homeless chic you'd still look... breathtakingly beautiful"

"Awh, Matthew thank you"

"Miss. Mayer it appears you are blushing" he teased me,

"Never" I cleared my throat and supped my drink,

"You know, all night I've felt very at ease with you around me, I have never felt so rested and laid back around a woman as I have with you"

"That's probably because I'm not chasing after your fortunes" I raised a brow,

"Mm touché. But your personality, it's naturally soothing to me, that's something very rare to find"

"Marshall said that to me you know" I smiled to myself,

"He did?"

"Mhm, he uhm.. he said that the very first couple of hours that we had spent together i just made him feel so relaxed, like he didn't have to be guarded or, or like he didn't have to keep me at arms length, i don't know what I say or do I just.. well I just be myself" I shrugged,

"You be yourself..." he softly repeated and agreeingly smiled at the statement,
"You're very humble, too humble for your looks and your status"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is... women like you don't come around often Jodie. A beautiful young lady, who takes incredible care of herself yet keeps so sweet natured and loyal... it just does not happen, women who are all about their looks tend to be dicks if I'm honest" the last bit made me chuckle a little, I knew he was right,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now