Chapter 15

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It was well into the start of 2012 and I'd just been awarded a lump some of money for the trauma caused by the incident of my former business partner. The court process had been long and dragged out, especially because it was in the media which made it ever more exhausting. During the court proceedings I was freed of my contract with him and awarded back full ownership of my business Vintage Rose, which was the best possible thing to have come of the whole thing. Every cloud and all of that.

I was sat in my office with Karlie talking about the wedding, the wedding planner I'd hired was fantastic, because it was her! Who would be better qualified to help me with my big day other than her, nobody.
To everyone's surprise news astonishingly still hadn't broke about the wedding so it was wonderful to know that myself and Marshall both could fully trust those around us.

"One moment Karlie" I answered the office phone,
"Vintage Rose Dance Studios, Jodie Mayer speak... Oh Marshall hi" I smiled, Karlie excused herself, probably to get us both a nice fresh coffee,

"Hey, look I need you home"

"But I'm at work?"

"Oh my bad yea obviously I didn't know that" we chuckled,
"No so listen, I been talkin' to some family and they wanna know the date and shit so it got me to thinking..."

"Go on..."

"When we send out the invites the dates gonna break, so I been talkin' to Dennis and he suggested we go on the radio and announce it"

"Right but I thought we was going to send out the invites a week beforehand so the date didn't circulate?"

"Yea well to be honest we need to send them out now, the shits happening in one month"

"Okay, alright... well, how'd you wanna do this?"

"Just could you come home for minute? I don't wanna talk it out over the phone"

"Uh... yeah. I'll uhm, I'll be right there" I wasn't impressed, I had tonnes to do but i guess it'd have to wait,

"Aight thanks" he ended the call, Karlie perfectly timed it, walking in with two coffees,

"Karlie I need to nip home" I stood up whilst shutting down my laptop,

"Really? But we've tonnes to get through and.." She sat herself back down at her desk,

"I know I know but Marshall... he wants to talk about announcing the wedding"

"Are you kidding?!" She got excited,

"Unfortunately not" I put my bag over my shoulder,

"Unfortunately? Jodie this is great!"

"It's only great because you don't have to hold your tongue any longer" I chuckled,

"Yes but this is great! The world is going to know, FINALLY!"

"I know... I suppose it makes it a whole lot easier because we can start on those invites" I took out my keys,

"Exactly, I have some beautiful designs in mind, we can go through them when you get back?"

"Yes okay, that sounds great Karlie, I'm nervous! Should I be nervous?" I smiled,

"Yes you should! Jodie you're marrying Marshalll!"

"Don't! I need to keep my nerves steady" I held up my car keys,

"Hey take your coffee, it's your favourite, hazelnut"

"And spill it over my white leather interior?" I frowned,

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon