Chapter 17

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I was released from hospital after being in there for 3 days. It felt like heaven walking through the doors to home. Karlie came in with me as she helped me with my bags,

"Remember to take it easy okay? Just because you've been released doesn't mean you're out of the clear, like they did say it could be fatal if you take another hard blow"

"Karlie stop worrying I'll be fine" I smiled as we hugged,

"Okay well, I'm gonna go to work, is there anything you want taking care of or?"

"Uhm I can't think right now but I know that thee uhm.. the main hall needs the heated flooring installed this week"

"Oh I had an email about it, I can take care of that. Oh yeah and also the coffee machine company called and asked if we'd like an upgrade?"

"Yes do that" my eyes caught sight of a big square card with my name on it,

"Ooh who's that from?" She saw me go for it,

"Not sure, I don't recognize the hand writing" I opened it up,
"Awwwh" I warmly smiled,

"Who's it from?"

"It's from the girls and Kim, how thoughtful is that?" I showed her the card,

"That's so nice, aww bless look at that drawing" she was referring to the one Whitney had drawn of me lying in the bed with a head bandage on, a thermometer in my mouth and lots of love hearts and kisses around me,

"So sweet, I'll have to ring up and thank them"

"Or I could have some flowers or something sent to them as a thank you?"

"Uhm... well I think maybe like one of those flower pieces that's made entirely of sweets and chocolates you know?"

"Ah yeah, those things that some people use as wedding centrepieces and so on?"

"Yeah, you can find them easily online, could you set that up for me? Their address will be in our system"

"No problem, any sweets in particular?"

"Just whichever looks nicest, for Kim, Alaina and Hailie maybe posh chocolates rather than sweets, for Whitney something colourful"

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as I get there, they'll probably receive them later this evening"

"Thank you Karlie" I opened the door for her,

"I'll stop by for a brew when you're feeling up to it"

"Yeah I'd like that, I'll text you..."

"With what phone Jodie?"

"Oh, I'll ring my contract up today and sort something out, it's all insured and backed up so hopefully I can get back some files and contacts"

"Brilliant thing with iCloud huh" she stepped out,

"Sure is, thanks for the ride back and helping me with my things" we hugged tightly,

"What are friends for. And if that asshole starts on you Jodie don't put up with it, me and Matt have two spare rooms that we've had freshly decorated so you're more than welcome to move in, don't put up with it, I mean it"

"Don't worry I won't"

"No Jodie you will, I know you. You might of not told the police the real reason why you were in hospital but you told me and I don't fucking care who he is he had no right to do that to you"

"Honestly I brought it on myself, it sounds cowardly of me but I swear on my life I was the one who laid my hands on him first I shouldn't of pushed him and I shouldn't of hit him in his dick, we both l have short fuses and you know we've always been hands on with each other, it's not just one way"

Meeting Marshall Mathers: The Recovery EraWhere stories live. Discover now