Part 12: Rest in peace fallen soldier (i don't own the music)

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You know what just assume i don't own any music or art used in this book or future books, i will specifically say if I DO own it


You woke up and quickly sat up, you didn't know why but you were full of energy, you looked to your side to see Chara snoozing lightly besides you, you got off the bed and quickly got changed into your combat/magic/fighting clothes and woke Chara up. She looked towards you before sitting up and hugging you lightly, before getting her own clothes and getting changed herself.

You went downstairs to find a few people eating some toast, waffles, and numerous other breakfast foods, due to the fact you somehow weren't hungry despite not eating for a day you grabbed 2 cubes of sugar near the coffee machine. You swallowed down the cubes and began waiting for everyone else.

Eventually Jason and Chara came down, you called them over to you as you showed them a old camera you had somehow found in a cupboard while waiting.

"Hey Jason, Chara. Wanna take a photo?"


"It will be a good reminder of this trip when we get out."

"alright sure, we still have to wait for a few others."

You walked over to Michael who was sitting in a chair with his arm keeping his head up, you asked him to take the photo, to which he reluctantly agreed. You, Jason and Chara all stood besides each other as you pulled them closer together while you had your arms on their shoulder.


Michael had taken the photo and a piece of paper fell out of the camera onto the floor. You walked over and picked up the photo, you grinned as you saw the photo perfectly captured your grin as you had pulled Chara and Jason together, shock etched onto their faces.

After a quick elbow from both Chara and Jason you all went back to waiting for the others, the photo now safely in your pocket.

Eventually everyone else had arrived, at which point Error started talking yet again.

(Play music here)
"Al-lright, now that al-l-l you miserable rats ar-r-re here we can finally get sta-r-r-rted, move towards the door and i'll explain la-a-a-ter."

Right on cue another door was highlighted and everyone walked through, proving your guess from last night correct, a obstacle course was infront of you, a series of jumps over a seemingly bottomless hole. Yet again Error spoke.

"Oka-y-y-y i think you should al-l-l know what th-i-i-i-s is, a agility te-e-est, you fall, you die, got i-i-it?"

Everyone nodded and you all started looking towards each other, you decided to speak up.

"Listen everyone, i'll go first, i figured out something with my timestop so i'll be able to get across no matter what, i'll go first to see how hard it is. Any objections?"

nobody said anything so you got ready to jump, you looked towards Chara and nodded, her being now re-assured you had enough magical energy to commit to a full timestop to get across the gap. You jumped, landing on one platform before quickly leaping to another, you managed to clear a few jumps incredibly quickly before performing a small wall-run to get to the other side.

You looked back towards the others and called across to them.

"Alright, go one at a time! We don't need anyone to die, Chara can teleport across so don't consider her in this!"

Just as you had finished speaking Chara had appeared behind you and put her hand on your shoulder, you looked back at her and smiled.

Everybody slowly started making their way across, most people managing to get across without any major issues, eventually the last person, Jason, began making his way across, after a few jumps you saw him stumble and fall, being quick to act you froze time and made your way over to him, clasping onto his hand which had managed to keep hold, time unfroze as you kept your grip.





Jason took off one hand and punched your arm, jolting your nerves and forcing you to let go, you screamed as you called out to him.


As soon as you had finished your scream Jason had vanished from sight, you immediately broke down into tears, seeing your best friend die right in front of you would do that. You slowly stood to your feet, clenching your fists as you froze time and made your way across to your new room.

All Chara saw was you standing to your feet and vanishing, she looked towards the others as they were all in a hushed silence.

Everyone stood still for about a minute, when that minute had passed they began making their way towards their new home, only to be interrupted by Error's voice yet again.

"Your next challenge will be a int-e-e-eligence tes-s-s-st, however you will have another one th-h-h-he day after tom-m-morrow"

Everyone ignored him as they walked through the doors that lay before them, Chara made her way to your room, thinking about how to handle this situation and the state you were in. It was true that Chara had seen all her loved ones die several times before, and she did slightly get used to it, however knowing it was you first time seeing it you would prove a very emotionally unstable state, Chara slowly opened the door to see you sobbing in the corner, while almost whispering.

"hey, Y/N?"

"G-go away." you stuttered back.

"listen I-"

"GO AWAY!" you yelled at her.

Chara froze, she nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind her, when you heard this you started crying even harder, unsure of what you would do from now on.

Somehow, as distraught as you were, you fell asleep, only to wake up later with a plate of food with a note beside it, it read:

"Hey Y/N, if your reading this then i'm probably asleep, i'm sorry for what you had to go through, but you still have to eat. ~ Chara"

you looked at the plate, it was a steak with vegetables. You grabbed a fork that was on the plate and began to eat.

When you had finished you got changed into your pyjamas and climbed into bed, trying not to think about what happened as you fell asleep once again.

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