Part 10

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You slowly opened your eyes, seeing that dark ceiling yet again, you couldn't be bothered to get up so you just turned over, what you saw reminded you of what happened.

You were still pretty uncomfortable with that fact so you decided to see how much more your body could go on for without food before annoying you to the point of eating to just shut it up.

You got up and walked over to the closet, where you saw only your pyjamas, you forgot you had chucked your fighting outfit in the wash, you looked back to see Chara sleeping peacefully, if not a bit of a worried expression, you sighed and walked into the bathroom where you washed off all traces of what had happened in the last few hours.

After you were done you quickly got changed back into your shirt and jeans before walking out of your room, however you saw nobody around, maybe it was really late and you just couldn't tell, either way you took out your clothes and walked back to the room, where you promptly got changed into those and went to chuck your other pair of clothes into the wash, on your way back to the room however you saw Jason leaning on his door.

He spotted you and beckoned you over, as you approached him he started speaking.

"Hey Y/N"


"Did you and Chara have fun?"

you tilted your head to the side, when you noticed the grin on his face is when it all came together

"oh, ye- wait, how did you know?"

"i was listening in, i was curious about Chara's condition and uh..."

"oh... how loud were we?"

"not very, you wouldn't be able to notice unless you were listening out for it."

"please don't tell anyone."

"i don't need to, they already know."

"son of a-"

"guess what"


"when Michael heard he just started crying"

"out of joy or???"

"just plain ass crying."

"bitch i'ma play it on speakers next time."

"please don't"

"no promises. Anyways was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"


"alright. good talk Jaso- oh wait, what time is it?"

"no clue, but not that late by everybody else's standards, they're all in their rooms trying to compose themselves after hearing you and Chara, so uh yeah, thats the time."

"well piss, they're gonna make fun of us won't they."

"oh most definitely."

"well cya around i gues- oh wait, do you wanna check out the hall?"

"uhh why?"

"it changed before our eyes into a yellow hall, what is not to question?"

"fair point, i mean we're both in our little fighting outfits so uh, sure."

"i'll get my knife, i'll meet you there."


You walked back into your room, seeing Chara hugging a pillow, still asleep. You sighed and looked in the drawer where you kept your knife, you pulled it out and walked out of your room, shutting the door behind you.

UniTale: The Darkened rooms [Reader x StoryShift Chara]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ