Chapter 2

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It was getting frequent the amount of times he spot Izuku were multiplying with every turn he was taking. But his face was never to him other from that time in his bedroom. He trembled, he shivered every time he caught a glimpse of the dead boy. He had taken to reading Izuku's journals whenever he had the chance. In class, on lunch, during training, after school, just everywhere.

He didn't socialize with his class and they didn't make the effort to, he was cold, distant whenever one of them tried to approach him he gave them a sharp cold look which steered them in the other direction. He didn't talk, he didn't cause trouble, he did his work and went his way. His teacher had begun to notice his behavior but he dodged every question. He couldn't talk about it, no, Izuku was nothing more than a black spot in his parent's memory by now.

He couldn't blame them they had shit to do.

He spent day after day combing through those journals like his life depended on it. Which in a way was true. He had to know the full extent of how he hurt Izuku, he didn't think he could leave it behind, he couldn't leave it behind. It was happily the weekend and he barricaded himself in his room that Friday night.

He had read over the ones from their elementary school days, now he would be starting on the middle school ones, he was hesitant. He knew how horrible he was during that time. Before he could even open the first book and cold feeling settled over him. He could feel hands wrapping around his neck, he could feel finger for finger pressing into him and when all of them settled in they started squeezing. His eyes widened and he struggled and thrashed against the grip trying to shake them off but it seemed impossible. 

He tried prying their fingers off but he could barely grasp them, they were so cold, so icy. He was about to pass out when they were gone. He collapsed on his desk gasping for air as he felt around his neck, it was cold. Like someone iced his neck, he got up and tried to move but he fell gasping, his vision was blurry, he couldn't stop trembling. He gave in as his eyes rolled over.

"My, my how far the mighty have fallen Katsuki." Izuku said gazing over his unconscious body. He was trying something out, he never thought it would work. It seemed whenever he felt emotions at a high level he could touch Katsuki or anything for that matter. That gave him an advantage he wanted to push. 

He straddled the unconscious male and looked over at the marks forming in his skin. Dark blue and purple finger prints, he leaned down and licked over a section of his neck and watched in fascination as the space he licked turned blue. He got greedy and began leaving marks all over his neck either it be licks or sucking into his skin. He had no reason to do this, he just wanted to fuck with him. He had nothing else to do until Katsuki got over his grief.

'And judging from his struggles to read my journals I doubt that's anytime soon.' By the time he was done marking him up he got to seeing if he could unbutton his clothes. His brows furrowed as he struggled, he could grip the fabric but it looked like he needed more focus in order to do more complicated tasks.

He sighed a bit and noticed his breath made Katsuki shiver. He hummed and glided his fingers over his clothes feeling the contours of his body, he licked his lips as a slightly demented smile came across his lips. He leaned down a placed his lips on Katsuki's warm ones and felt a full body shiver go through the blond. 'Katsuki you've given me entertainment, allow me this much as well.' He thought as he watched his lips turn blue from the cold. 'Seems you'll need a heater in here soon.'

When Katsuki woke up he was shivering, he was so cold. His body had stiffened with how cold he was. He tried to get up and stumbled back down a few times until his legs finally decided to thaw. He got up and look in the bathroom mirror with wide eyes. 

His neck was filled with purple blemishes, everywhere one was in the outline of lips. His mouth was blue and he licked them only to shiver at how it burned to do that. What was happening to him, why was this happening. His room was naturally warm, it wasn't like he was going to freeze away from passing out on the floor and these bruises? What caused them, he clenched his teeth as he turned around to run a hot bath, he was still shivering and he needed a extremely hot one. 

As he soaked he reveled in the warm spreading through him. He got to thinking about what happened before he passed out. Hands. Cold hands choking him with the intent to kill him. He whimpered as he remembered the sensation. He could guess that was the reason for his bruised up neck but if all he did was strangle shouldn't their only be finger prints?

He could see something shift in the corner of his eye and then his terror came to casually sit at the edge of the tub. Izuku wasn't looking at him, he was facing out front but one of his hands reached for the back of his neck. Katsuki didn't move away because he knew it was all an illusion, he closed his eyes hoping it will go away.

A cold hand settled on the back of neck, his eyes shot open and before he could look at Izuku his face pushed into the water. He gasped and struggled against the hand as water was pulled into his nose from trying to breath, it burned, he choked . He reached forward for where Izuku's body was and tried grasping him but it was the same as before, he could barely grasp him. As his lungs clawed for oxygen the hand on his neck pulled him up. 

He coughed and threw up the water in his system, his head was spinning so in a desperate attempt to remedy him he tossed his head over the edge of the bath and puked. Watery contents came up but it was enough to rid the feeling of having a weight in your stomach that felt wrong. He hacked up everything not caring of the consequences for messing up his bathroom like this. 

When his stomach settled he realized Izuku was gone. One question that floated around his head that brought him uneasiness and joy was when will he be back?

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