Chapter 5

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Mitsuki didn't say anything to Katsuki.

She just couldn't move pass the fact that her son was he one who said those horrible words to Izuku. She knew he was an arrogant brat. He had a bulk load of pride and people praised him more than they should. She didn't think he would get so entitled to leave behind the one person who was true to him despite his horrible attitude.

She was wrong, she misjudged her son and now the boy he pushed was coming for him.

"Your son is mine for the taking" Her mind hammered on that sentence for the entirety of the night while she laid beside her tired husband. She couldn't even work up the courage to say anything to him. 

She kept it herself.

She only hoped Katsuki wouldn't give into him.

"Unbutton your clothes." Katsuki paused mid way in his homework to look at his daily visitor. Izuku was sitting on his dresser again looking over at him with expectancy. Katsuki didn't want to however so he shook his head. 

Izuku's eyes turned pitch black.

"I'm not in the mood for you today Katsuki, just strip." He stated coldly, Katsuki flinched away from him and nodded timidly before unbuttoning his school top and dropping it on the ground. Izuku's eyes went back to his normal hollow look. "See that wasn't hard, now continue working."

Katsuki felt exposed but he didn't disobey, he picked up his pencil and went back to doing his math equations. Izuku licked his lips at the sight of Katsuki's toned body, hero training really made him buff up. His eyes trailed over the outstanding veins he had on his forearms and grinned thinking about what he wanted Katsuki to do today. 

Soon or later, perhaps a little over an half an hour later Katsuki was finished with his work. Izuku took it as a sign and set his plan into motion. "Go get a razor." He turned back to the sparkling window which showcased a beautiful sunset.

Katsuki on the other hand was viewing him with a scared expression. "Why?" He asked in a quiet voice, Izuku didn't even turn to him. He gulped and went to get the razor. It was small, and everyday item for both men and women but it felt as heavy as an anchor in his hand. He dragged his feet as he came before Izuku and held out his palm with the sharp blade.

Izuku turned to him with a demented smile. He leaned forward and kissed him softly. "Cut yourself." He ordered as he pulled back to watch. Katsuki shook his head softly, Izuku frowned.

"It's not hard, let me show you." Izuku had always worn his school uniform but Katsuki thought it's because he died in it. He knew about what he was going to find and he knew he was the cause of them. 

"No," He whispered as Izuku pushed up his sleeves. "Please don't show me." He cried as he saw multiple, deep, jagged scars littering his arms. Some were multilayered, like he ran out of space so he cut over them. It made him flinch on the inside as he thought about feeling that. 

The blade burned in his hand.

He wanted to throw it away.

He wanted to forget those ghostly scars.

But he couldn't.

Izuku was looking at him with so much unknown emotion, he knew what he had to do. 

He took a deep breath that hitched on the way out and held the blade to his wrist. Izuku smiled at him and wrapped his arms around his neck. He pressed his lips to his to distract him as he made the first incision. Katsuki shuddered as he felt blood drain from him, Izuku's tongue demanded entrance so he opened his mouth a bit. 

A chill ran down his spine as he tried to keep up with that busy tongue. He made another cut, then another. This is what Izuku endured, he should feel the pain he caused Izuku. Soon blood was flowing from multiple deep slits that made him slightly lightheaded. He pulled back from the kiss to see his ruined wrist that was soaking the carpet with the red leakage. 

"See Katsuki, it didn't hurt." Izuku whispered in his ear as he took the other's hand in his. "Doesn't it look pretty, just like your eyes."

He blushed a bit at the compliment. 

Izuku smirked. "Try on your other arm tomorrow."

Katsuki nodded as he felt himself becoming dizzy, Izuku's distorted smile made him uneasy. "Izu-ku~" He slurred.

"Shh go wrap it up." The green haired male ordered, Katsuki mumbled something before stumbling to the bathroom. 

Izuku looked at the messy trail he left with pride, it was working Katsuki would soon be with him. Katsuki held his head as his vision swirled into the back of his head. 'How did Izuku look so natural walking around when this is how he felt.' He hurled into the sink a bit before washing off the blood and reaching under to grab the first aid kit.

When he came back out Izuku was waiting for him on his bed. "Izuku," He trailed off as he laid down beside the dead. 

"Sleep Katsuki, you'll be with me soon."

Katsuki's head was too fuzzy to decipher what he meant.

He reached for Izuku.

Izuku reached for him.

And they met in the middle.

Mitsuki stared at her son's door a welling fear inside her as she heard him crying. 

Izuku came outside to meet her, he was floating around her with a taunting smile. His legs were pulled up to his chest and had his arms wrapped around them. He looked so innocent but his eyes showed his true intent. 

"Why, this isn't the Izuku I know." She said turning to keep him in her sight.

"Sorry to tell you this but the Izuku you knew was a lie."  He stopped whirling around her and leaned forward making her shiver with his chilly presence. "Honestly did you expect me to be happy with getting beat everyday by your son."

"No but-"

"No buts, I loved Katsuki, really did which is why I never told you or mom." He gave a devilish smile. "Can't I have this much, he's doing the best to make it up."

"What do you really want?" She asked as tears made their way down her cheeks.

"To break him, make him bleed, let him feel what I felt." He kissed her cheek tenderly. "Sorry Auntie I love Katsuki to death." He giggled.

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