An offer to aid royalty

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We begin where we left off last time, with Y/n sitting in a chair across from Parasoul Renoir, the Princess of the canopy kingdom. The only thing between the two being bullet proof glass 

Y/n: "So you're the princess of this kingdom?" 

Parasoul: "Indeed, and you are?" 

Y/n: "Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness. Although I wish it were on better circumstances" 

Parasoul: "Y/n L/n, and how is it a male is in possession of the Skull Heart? A sentient artifact that is meant to be exclusive to females and can grant any single wish through twisted and brutal ways"

Y/n: "Believe it or not, I'm an outsider to this world" 

Parasoul: "Is that so?" 

Y/n: "It is in fact the truth" 

Parasoul: "Forgive me, but I find something like that a little hard to believe" 

Y/n: "Believe what you will your highness but nonetheless, I want to help you with your Skull heart when It finally becomes a problem" 

Parasoul: "What do you mean?" 

Y/n: "How long has it been since the last Skullgirl was defeated?" 

Parasoul: "...It's almost been seven years since that day" 

Y/n: "That means it's almost time for it to reveal itself again with a new host to bring the world to an end. I'm here to try and prevent that from happening" 

Parasoul: "You speak almost as if you've done this before" 

Y/n: "Because I have, multiple times in the past. Ever since I was 14 actually, going on five years now since I've had this heart inside of me" 

Parasoul: "That's quite impressive. If I were to allow you to help us, what's in it for you? surely you can't be doing this out of the kindness of your own 'heart'?" 

Y/n: "I am actually. You see, in my world anyone could get the heart, regardless of gender and there was already someone with a Skull heart I was the only survivor from the heart that's currently residing in my body's last attack. I wasn't even trying to fight the heart and was about to become another statistic... When she intervened" 

Parasoul: "Who?" 

Y/n: "Aeon, one of the trinity and the goddess of time"

Hearing this gained Parasoul's interest as her expression slightly softened and waited for him to continue

Y/n: "When I thought I was going to die, Aeon saved me from that fate but at a cost, I lost my home, friends, family, everything. She took me in, treated me like I was an ultra-rare collectible" 

Parasoul: "I'm...sorry to hear that" 

Y/n: "it's fine, I'm not that upset at her anymore. I'm more upset at her mother if anything" 

Parasoul: "Why?" 

Y/n: "I'd...rather not talk about that. a little too personal for my tastes for someone I just met." 

Parasoul: "Right, of course. I apologize" 

Y/n: "Now, let's get back to business, alright?" 

Parasoul: "Of course. Now, you want to help us destroy the Skull Heart, correct?"

Y/n: "Yes" 

Parasoul: "And what do you plan on doing after that?" 

Y/n: "I'm not sure really. after five years of fighting, I think I just want to stop it all together. settle down and maybe even attend high school for once. Try and live a normal life for as long as possible" 

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