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We get our sights on Y/n who was still unconscious in the back of the transport truck but that doesn't last long as Y/n slowly starts to stir and then yawn before stretching. Upon doing so, the sound of various guns being cocked causes Y/n to stop mid yawn and open his eyes to see that the entire opposite side of the transport truck's seating was occupied by The soldiers that apprehended him earlier, each of them armed with MP40 Submachine guns and trained on him

Y/n: "...Good afternoon" 

The soldiers didn't say a word as they kept their weapons aimed at him as he just sighed and looked out the window located at the back of the truck and he noticed that there were dozens of other military vehicles following behind his one which caused him to whistle with fascination before looking back at the soldiers 

Y/n: "Don't you think that many vehicles is a little overkill for just one person?" 

all he received again was silence from the soldiers which caused him to just shrug his shoulders and continue looking out the window until the truck came to an abrupt stop along with the other vehicles and one of the soldiers lowered their weapon as they put a hand to their headset and was listening to something, most likely their next orders and after a moment, the soldier then looked to the others and nodded his head. 

Upon seeing the head nod, the soldier closest to the doors opened the doors and hopped out as the next soldier grabbed Y/n by the shoulders and threw him out of the back of the truck and onto the ground, earning a grunt of pain from the boy as he slowly got to his feet , the sounds of his shackles rattling with each movement he made until he was standing up straight and saw that he was surrounded by more soldiers 

Y/n: "What happens next?" 

His question was answered by a Soldier coming up behind him and placing a black hood over his head to obscure his vision and that's when he felt a shove from behind which made him stumble forward for a moment 

Soldier: "Move it" 

Instead of making things worse by retaliating, Y/n decided to start walking as he felt a hand on each side gripping his arms and leading him in an unknown direction. the sounds of doors opening and closing along with distant conversations could be heard until they eventually came to a stop. 

Y/n's shackles were removed and the hood was taken off of his head and he was met with a door to an empty locker room which was opened and he was shoved inside the room as the soldiers stood at the door and shut it as a voice could be heard on the intercom 

Intercom: "To your left are some clothes, get changed into them and bang your fist on the other door three times to continue" 

The intercom then went dead and Y/n turned to see a pair of Clothes with Horizontal black and white stripes sitting there and so he changed into the prison uniform like he was instructed and he then walked over to the door that was on the other side of the room and banged his fist against it three times 

Y/n: "I'm Done" 

The door then opened and two guards were seen standing there and they started walking him down the long hallway of cells that had other Dangerous prisoners but instead of shouts coming from the cells, it was silent. the only sound that could be heard was the footsteps from Y/n and the Soldiers as they soon came to a stop at a seemingly empty cell 

Soldier: "Scythana, wake up" 

a groan of annoyance could be heard coming from the cell as someone could be seen moving on the top bunk but it was hard to tell what they looked like due to the light being off and then the gruff voice of a woman who Y/n would assume to be Scythana could be heard

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