Chapter 13

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*You took a deep breath taking one more look at your home you looked down at the ground thinking if you made the right choice*

You:P/N I don't know about this...
P/N:Well do what ever makes you happy Y/N
You:What about Charles and Ellie I can't do that to them
P/N:Then think this through please Y/N
You:I'm just so confused about this I'm just so mad
P/N:You're just blinded by anger
You:I don't even know what they want with me
P/N:Well make your choice it's now or ever
You:I'm gonna join The Toppats
P/N:Even though this is bad but it's your choice and I respect that I'm here for you
You:Thanks P/N for listening and being here for me
P/N:What can I say? you too me in and gave me a home

*You smiled at P/N walking into the jungle with P/N following you minutes or maybe a hour you soon saw the spaceship hideout where The Toppats hide you and P/N ran over to spaceship and knocked on the metal door a guy with blonde hair and blue top hat and suit came out*

Sven:Hello, can I help you?
You:Hi I'm here to see The Right Hand Man
Sven:Ah you must be Y/N the girl who was left to die
You:Please don't remind me of that...
Sven:I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you
You:It's fine I know you didn't mean it
Sven:Heh so anyways my name is Sven Svensson
You:Nice to meet you even though you know my name
Sven:It's Y/N L/N right?
You:Yep you got the right blondie
Sven:Hey don't insult me
You:You had it coming sweetheart
Sven:Wanna play that game huh Y/N?
You:I don't play games

*You both laughed as P/N jumped into your arms wanting to see who you are talking with you pat his/her head calming them down if they were a lot scared*

P/N:Y/N who's this you're talking with
You:Oh P/N this is Sven he's part of The Toppat Clan
Sven:Wait you can understand your pet?
You:Yeah I can is there something wrong with that?
Sven:No I think it's pretty cool
You:Thank you some of my friends think I'm crazy
Sven:Well they are wrong I think it's awesome
You:I like you Sven you're pretty cool
Sven:I can say the same for you
You:Well I can tell me and you are gonna be best of friends
Sven:We sure are well then let me take you to our boss
You:Yeah I'm freezing my butt off

*Sven laughed at your comment and lead you inside you carried P/N so he/she wouldn't run off or get lost since the spaceship was really huge as the two of you entered the meeting room every Toppat stared at you looking like they were going to attack you or something Sven took you over to a office and opened the door you saw The Right Hand Man standing up as another sitting down*

Sven:She's here Reginald Copperbottom
Reginald C:Great bring her in
Sven:Okay Y/N he's ready to see you good luck
You:Thank you Sven see you later
Sven:See you too

*Sven left you entered the room you can tell P/N was shaking a bit you pet their head so they will calm down luckily it worked you sat down on the chair in front of of the desk you were a bit nervous about this*

Reginald C:Well Y/N I see you made your choice
You:Yeah I have I just wanna get my revegey is all sir
Reginald C:Or maybe you can join us be in our clan
You:Okay but I have one request
Reginald C:And what's that my dear Y/N?
You:You don't hurt my brother or Ellie at all please
Reginald C:Well we have a deal
You:Thank you
RHM:Well do you want me to show you to your room?
You:No that's okay I'll walk home
RHM:Well we'll see you in the afternoon Y/N
You:Yeah I'll see you guys bye

*You got up heading towards the exit but Sven got in your way blocking you away from the exit*

You:Hello again Sven
Sven:Hey where are you going? rooms are that way
You:Our bosses let me go home
Sven:Oh okay then I'll see you tommorow then?
You:What miss me already?
Sven:I'll be honest I was hoping you'll stay here with us
You:Don't worry you'll see me again
Sven:I sure hope so well see you tomorrow Y/N
You:Bye Sven goodnight
Sven:Night Y/N

*You walked out the spaceship and smiled to yourself P/N making a smirk face at you laughing to themselves you glared at them with a smile*

P/N:So do you like him?
You:Well yeah I do but as a friend
P/N:Mhmm sure you do
You:Hey I just met the guy today don't get any ideas
P/N:Anyways he told me to give you this
You:Give me what?

*P/N gave you small note with a phone number in it*

P/N:I think he likes you Y/N come on it's obvious
You:Well let's not jump to conclusions
P/N:Move over Henry because Sven is Y/N new lover
You:Don't say that P/N
P/N:Do you still have feelings for Henry
You:I don't know maybe I guess
P/N:Don't worry about him you have Sven now
You:Well you look at that we are home now let's go to bed

*You went inside yawing from the long walk you tip toe so you wouldn't wake Charles but the lights turned on you saw Charles sitting on a chair*

Charles:where were you Y/N I was worried
You:I just went for a walk don't worry about me
Charles:Well tell me first please Y/N
You:Okay I will well I'm gonna go to bed I'm tired
Charles:Me too see you sis night
You:Night Charles

*You went to bed putting Sven number in your contacts and going to bed P/N just passing out in your bed you thought in your sleep thinking if you fell in love again and still having feelings for Henry but you saved that question for another day and drifted off to sleep*

Hello my wolves hope you all enjoyed the chapter I may update the book late because I have to work on my other books I haven't updated in a while but anyways see you soon love you all and ☮️ awooo 🐺🐺🐺

Henry Stickmin x Female Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now