Chapter 14

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*You woke up with P/N licking your face he/she trying to wake you up you gently pushed them off the bed you turn your body in another position going back to sleep P/N jumped back onto your bed he/she shook your head trying again to get you awake*

P/N:Y/N wake up!
You:P/N go back to sleep I'm tired...
P/N:You have to get up!
You:Why? It's our off day today
P/N:But The Toppats need you Y/N

*you didn't hear that last part P/N groan in annoyce jumped onto you*


*Charles came in your room you jumped up causing P/N to go flying at the end of your bed*

Charles:Sorry did I scare you?
You:No I was just surprise
Charles:Well okay breakfast is ready
You:Thank you bro
Charles:No problem sis see ya
You:Where you going?
Charles:I'm gonna hang with Ellie
You:What about Henry?
Charles:Yeah he's coming along
You:Oh well tell Ellie I said hi
Charles:Okay bye Y/N

*You got out from bed doing your moring routine like every morning you sat down at the kitchen eating F/B drinking a glass of F/D you made a yum face as P/N came out the room*

P/N:What was that for Y/N?
Y/N:I'm sorry about that sweetie
P/N:I just went Superman
Y/N:Well will some F/F cheer you up
P/N:Heck yeah it will
Y/N:Well come here and eat it

*P/N jumped onto the table and eat the extras Charles made P/N wagging his/her tail enjoying the food*

You:So what did you tell me when I was half asleep?
P/N:Oh that red bread dude wants to see you again
You:Oh I thought that was a dream
P/N:Well should we get going?
You:Yeah let's go before any of the guys see us

*You grabbed your keys and P/N jumped into your shoulder kinda like a parrot you took a shortcut to the spaceship because you didn't want to walk the long way after the short walk you saw Sven waiting for you*

Sven:Ah Y/N there's my girl
You:Hey Sven and I'm not your girl
Sven:I'm just messing with you
You:You better be Sven
Sven:Well are you ready for day one?
You:Day one of what?
Sven:Of your job of course Y/N
You:Oh yeah I forgot
Sven:Well the boss said you can work with me
You:Well that's nice Sven
Sven:Well let's get started Y/N

*You follwed Sven into a office you saw stacks of paper P/N and your mouths drop how much there is you sat down on the chair and started working Sven doing the same you got bored real quick and wanted to get to know Sven more and wanted to start a conversation with him*

You:So Sven how was your day?
Sven:It's going pretty good
You:Well that's good to hear hehe
Sven:So what about you?
You:Oh my day is going pretty good
Sven:So what happned between you and Henry I heard was bad
You:Oh that well he left me to die
Sven:I'm so sorry that happened
You:Well I can't believe I trusted him
Sven:I'm sure he didn't mean to
You:Yeah that's what he said to me
Sven:Have you tried talking to him?
You:No I'm just so mad at him
Sven:That's understandable Y/N
You:Do you think he misses me Sven?
Sven:Well he does look miserable
You:Thanks for listening
Sven:Don't mention it Y/N

*You smiled at him and got back to work after 8 hours of work you and Sven went into the Right Hand Man office and turn in your paper work you and Sven went to the cafeteria room and drank a cup of coffee as P/N was eating pastries*

Sven:So how do you like it here?
You:It's pretty cool
Sven:I'm glad you like it Y/N
You:Well I should be getting home
Sven:Now? Are you that tired?
You:Yeah and P/N wants to go home
Sven:Okay I'll tell the boss
You:Bye Sven see you on Monday
Sven:Alrighty see ya
You:And I had fun today
Sven:I'm glad and I want to give you this Y/N
You:What is it?

*he grabbed your arm and kissed your cheek he smiled and winked at you he left to another room you put your hand where he kissed you blushing a dark shade of red P/N saw all this and wag his/her tail*

P/N:Are you gonna ask him out?
You:I don't know maybe
P/N:Well I think you two look cute
You:Really P/N?
P/N:Yeah I think he'll treat you better
You:Maybe your right
P/N:You can tell him when your ready
You:Maybe I will P/N maybe I will
P/N:Let's go home Y/N
You:Yeah I don't want Charles to get worried about me

*you and P/N ran home just in time sitting on the couch like if noting happend Charles came home and saw you and P/N watching the tv*

Charles:Hi Y/N hi P/N
You:Hi there bro, did you have fun?

Charles:Yeah Ellie and Henry say hi
You:That's sweet of her
Charles:You forgot Henry Y/N
You:Did I? oh my bad
Charles:Well night see you tomorrow
You:Okay see you Charles

*Charles went in his room you sighed as P/N laid on your lap and looked up at you with a smile*

P/N:Well Y/N guess you found love
Y/N:I sure did
P/N:Night Y/N love you
Y/N:Love you too P/N night

Hello there my wolves I hope you all enjoyed the chapter a lot of people wanted the next chapter so I thought I'll write it since I missed this book anyways I love you all see you soon and ✌🐺awooo

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