Chapter 19

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Hey guys sorry for not updating this book in a long time finishing a whole book in weeks was really tiring and I wanted to take a break from Wattpad because of it but don't worry my wolves I will finish this book and conutine with the new ones soon but it might take some time but anyways enjoy the story

*P/N pounced onto you making you shriek P/N looked up at you and then started to tug on your sleeve pulling you off the couch from whatever you were doing*

You:P/N what are you doing?
P/N:You have to meet up with Sven and tell him about this plan
You:I can't do that he'll tell the clan
P/N:He's your friend Y/N
You:I know but still I'm afraid that The Toppats may try something
P/N:Okay maybe try to call him.....?
You:Well...okay then...
P/N:See was that so hard Y/N?

*you picked up the house phone and dial Sven's phone number in you put the phone up to your ear and sat down on the couch as P/N sat down next to you soon Sven picked up*

Sven:Hello it's Sven
You:Hey Sven it's me Y/N!
Sven:Y/N? It's been a while where have you been?
You:I just been busy with home stuff
Sven:Ooh okay so when are you gonna come back?
You:Sven I'm not coming back...ever...
Sven:Why not Y/N?
You:I just thought The Toppats aren't for me Sven
Sven:But I thought you liked it here
You:Well I don't anymore
Sven:But why don't you like it Y/N?
You:It's because I'm in love...
Sven:With who?
You:Well I wouldn't say still in love but I kinda still care for him...
Sven:Okay then who is it?
You:Henry Stickmin
Sven:But didn't he abandoned you?
You:Yes but it's in the past now
Sven:Well if it makes you happy then
You:Thank you Sven
Sven:Anything for my friend
You:One more thing Sven, can you promise me something?
Sven:Yeah sure what is it Y/N?
You:Promise me you won't tell The Right Hand Man or Reginald
Sven:Don't worry I won't tell them
You:Thank you Sven I'll call you later I have to go
Sven:Okay see you later

*you hung up and sighed slouching on the couch as P/N laid on your stomach you patted his/her head P/N made some purr noise you giggled*

P/N:what's so funny?
You:Did you just purr like a cat?
P/N:W-what no I didn't
You:You act like a cat sometimes
P/N:Well maybe I am a cat
You:You're full of surprises sometimes
P/N:I love you Y/N
You:I love you too P/N
P/N:Are you gonna talk with Henry?
You:Hmm I think I will
P/N:I knew you still loved him
You:Oh quiet you!

I hope you all enjoyed I love you all see you all soon and ✌ my wolves🐺

Henry Stickmin x Female Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now