Chapter 7

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*Ellie and you were having some girl time since there was no missions today Ellie looked over at you*

Ellie:So Y/N do you like Henry?
You:Yeah I do he's cute I'll be honest
Ellie:You two do make a cute couple but sadly Charles doesn't agree
You:he's just a big grump
Ellie:So I know this is a early question but do you want kid's?
You:I don't know I never thought about it
Ellie:You'll make a good mom
You:You really think so?
Ellie:Of course

*You smiled as Henry and Charles came in the living room Henry winked at you Charles slapped him across the head*

Charles:Hey I told you to stop that
Henry:Don't be like that plus I'll make a great husband to Y/N
Charles:Yeah right what are you gonna do on your honeymoon steal stuff?
Henry:What? No
Charles:I wouldn't be surprised Henry
Henry:Oh shut up
Ellie:Alright stop it both of you
Henry:Ok mom

*Ellie got up and punched Henry in the arm as Henry was laughing Charles went to sit next to you putting his arm around you so Henry wouldn't try anything*

Ellie:I am not your mother Henry
Henry:You act like it
Y/N:Should we stop them from fighting Charles?
Charles:Ha! no
Ellie:Call me mom again and I'll punch you so hard that your gonna see Christmas lights
Henry:Try me Mommy Ellie
Ellie:You asked for it

*Ellie raised her fist but Henry got a head start of running Ellie and Henry were running the house in circles until they both got tired and collapsed on the ground Charles filming everything while laughing*

Ellie:Y-you g-get i-it H-henry
Henry:Y-you can't c-catch me bitch
Ellie:I'll g-get you for t-that
Charles:Alright that's enough guys
You:Yeah let's watch a movie
Charles:Great idea you pick sis and I'll grab some snacks

*You went to your movie collection because well you loved them you pick out a horror movie called F/H/M Charles came back with some popcorn and drinks for everyone as Ellie and Henry sat down on the couch still tired you set up the movie as you sat down next to Ellie*

Ellie:So what are we watching?
Ellie:Oh I love that movie!
Henry:I haven't watch that movie but I heard it's good
Charles:You sure sis? Last time I had to walk you to the bathroom
Henry:That happened?
Charles:Come on sis it's true don't deny it

*Ellie and Henry started laughing as you covered your face in embarrasment Charles patting you on the back he sat next to Henry as the movie started Henry scooted over to you and put his arm around you pulling you closer to him you smiled and snuggled into his chest Charles whispered to Henry*

Charles:What did I say?
Henry:Calm down gramps it's not like we are making out
Charles:If I catch you doing something I'm going to crash my helicopter into you
Henry:Please don't
Charles:Then don't try me thief

*A jumpscare came on to tv as you jumped in the air and gripped onto Henry he cuddled you and kissed your forehead you kissed his cheek Charles glaring at Henry but staying quite so he doesn't cause a scene the movie finished Ellie fell asleep on the couch and Charles was alseep as wel but only you and Henry were awake*

Henry:Hey can we go somewhere private Y/N?
You:Sure let's go to my room

*the two of you went to your room as soon as you entered Henry closed the door behind him and started to kiss you he released the kiss*

You:What was that for?
Henry:Because I love you Y/N
You:I love you too
Henry:So I wanted to ask you this for a while now
You:What is it Henry?
Henry:Would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow night?
You:Thought you'll never ask I'll love to go out with you
Henry:Great then it's a date
You:The date not gonna be stealing stuff is it?
Henry:Nope you'll see
You:Alright I can't wait for this
Henry:me either
You:Well let's go to sleep

*You laid down on your bed and Henry laid next to you he pulled you closer to him he kissed your forhead*

Henry:Night Y/N love you
You:Night and love you too

*you both drifted off to sleep you dreaming about tomorrow date*

Hello my wolves hope you liked the chapter I'm glad you are all enjoying the book and I also glad your also enjoying the boyfriend scenarios anyways I'll see you all soon love you all and ✌

Henry Stickmin x Female Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now