Chapter 4

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*You saw your alarm clock and saw that it was 10pm Henry wanted to meet you back in the forest so you got up from bed P/N saw you and got up from the bed following you*

You:P/N you have to stay here

*You jumped back as your pet talked back at you P/N came up to you and gave you a worried look*

P/N:What's wrong?
You:Y-you c-can t-talk?
P/N:Of course I can
You:Well never thought I'll have a pet that can talk
P/N:Well you do now
You:Ok I gotta go now so stay here
P/N:Can I come
You:Sorry P/N it's private
P/N:Well fine
You:Good boy/girl

*P/N sat on the bed as you left the tent you entered the forest as you saw Henry leaning on a tree he saw you and smiled*

Henry:You're late
You:I'm sorry had a bit of trouble
Henry:It's okay honey
You:Don't call ne that dude
Henry:Why not?
You:I'm not your anything that's why
Henry:Some day toots

*Henry laughed as you playfully punched his arm you glared at him for making fun of you

Henry:You punch like a girl
You:I am a girl dumbass
Henry:I was just kidding babe
You:*scoffs* so why are we here?
Henry:I wanted to hang with you~
Henry:Come on I wanna show you something Y/N
You:ok let's go dude

*You followed Henry to where he was taking you Henry stopped you and went behind you and covered your eyes with a blindfold*

You:Henry what are you doing?
Henry:If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now will let?
You:Ok lead the way romeo

*Henry and you walked a little bit more as he took the blindfold off and the two of you were in front of a bank you looked at Henry confused*

You:What are we doing here?
Henry:We are gonna rob a bank
You:Are you insane?!?!
Henry:It's called survival baby~
You:Henry you can't be serious
Henry:Come on it'll be fun
You:Well ok

*Henry jumped up and down like a happy child you laughed at what he was doing and grabbed your hand he pulled you into a security door as he unlocked the door with a pin and let you both in Henry and you walked around looking for what Henry wanted to get*

You:Are you sure we won't get caught?
Henry:Don't worry we won't Y/N
You:I heard you are a pro at this stuff
Henry:I am and I'll keep you safe~

*you rolled your eyes and Henry stopped walking looking at something you glanced over his shoulder at what he was looking at and it was a security guard walking around*

You:Oh no
Henry:Don't worry I got this
You:Are you gonna dance?
Henry:What? No
You:Then what are you gonna do?
Henry:Watch and learn

*Henry grabbed a coin from his pocket and threw it making it roll towards the security guard the guard saw and picked it up walking away*

Henry:So what have you learned?
You:That there is a solution to everything?
Henry:That's right love~
You:Ok let's get this over with

*You and Henry walked to the other room still looking again Henry stopped you got a bit worried*

You:Wow that's what you want?
Henry:Yup help me pick it up

*Henry and You picked up the giant bag of money and carried it off Henry opened the door with his foot and accidentally set off the alarm*

Henry:Oh shit
You:Run Henry!
Security 1:Hey stop right there!

*You and Henry ran with the bag of money and ran into the forest good thing the cops didn't catch your faces or caught up with you guys Henry pulled you behind a tree as the guards went back to the bank*

You:Phew that was close
Henry:Yeah it was I'm glad your ok~
You:I'm glad your ok to~
Henry:See I knew you cared for me~
You:Oh shut up

*you both laughed Henry put the bag of money in a tree hole and hid it so know one will try and take it*

Henry:So what now princess~
You:I don't know we should get some sleep we are going on a misson tomorrow morning
Henry:Crap I forgot about that
You:Come on let's go back to camp
Henry:I'll walk you
You:I know where it is
Henry:Just being polite sweetheart~
You:Yeah whatever

*you and Henry walked back to camp you were about to walk into your tent but Henry grabbed your arm you looked up at him*

You:Are you okay Henry?
Henry:Just wanted to give you this
You:What's that?

*he leaned in and kissed your cheek you put your hand where he kissed you and blushed he laughed at you of how you looked*

You:T-thank you
Henry:No problem princess~
You:Goodnight my knight
Henry:Night Y/N~

*He winked at you and walked off you blew him a kiss as he caught it and put it on his chest where is heart is and walked into his tent and you did the same you walked in with P/N making a lenny face at you*

P/N:Had fun?
You:Shut up

Hope you guys liked the chapter more will be coming soon as always I was bored in class so I decided to write this for you so anyways see you guys soon love you and ✌

Henry Stickmin x Female Reader Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें