Chapter 8

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*You sighed as you looked at the mirror P/N came in and sat on your bed and looked at you in a curious way*

P/N:Where are you going?
You:Oh I'm going on a date with Henry
P/N:You sure that stubborn brother of yours will allow that?
You:Hey now he may be well...okay you have a point
P/N:Hey can I come along?
You:No you can't
P/N:Why not? I can give you some advice
You:Hey I already got a kiss from him what can go wrong?

*P/N raised an eyebrow at you in a concern way you looked back at him/her confused on what they were thinking what can go wrong on a date*

P/N:Well you know he can get you pregnant
You:Come on don't think like that
P/N:On second thought I'll stay behind I don't want to see you two bang
You:We are not going to bang!

*Charles came in and looked at you confused coming in he sat on your bed next to P/N putting him/her on his lap*

Charles:Who are you talking too? And why are you dressed up for?
You:I was talking to P/N and I'm just going out with Ellie
Charles:Well you are talking to him/her like they were a person Y/N and what do you mean by bang?
You:Bang the drums...
Charles:Well okay then stay safe Y/N
You:Okay see you
P/N:Bring me snacks when you come back!

*You left running out the door you saw Henry waiting for you leaning on a tree near by you walked towards him*

Henry:You look beautiful
You:Thank you and you look handsome as ever
Henry:Heh thanks sweetie shall we get started my dear?
You:Yes let's get started

*Henry held out his arm for you as you grabbed it and walked off first you two went to the movies to watch the new movie that just came out which you were excited to see Henry and you bough snacks and drinks Henry put his arm around you he smiled down at you as you snuggled into his arm after the movie finished you guys went to the fair you went on all the rides heck Henry won you a F/A plushie Henry and You saved the best ride for last the ferris wheel you both went and sat down*

Henry:Beautiful huh?
You:Yeah it is thanks for taking me out
Henry:Anything for my girl
You:So are we really dating Henry?
Henry:Well that's why I brought you on this date I wanted to ask you a question
You:What is it?

*Henry got down on one knee and pulled out a heart shaped necklace you got tears in your eyes as you cupped your face crying tears of joy*

Henry:So Y/N I think your one of the most beautiful girls in the world I ever met will you be my girlfriend?
You:Oh Henry yes I will!
Henry:Great here let me put it on you

*Henry out the necklace on you and blushed a shade of red and got stars in his eyes*

Henry:Wow it looks beautiful on you
You:Hehe thank you I love you so much Henry
Henry:I love you too Y/N

*He pulled you into a kiss while fireworks shot up into the sky after the ride finished Henry walked you home as you were in front of the door Henry stopped you to say one last goodbye to you*

Henry:Hey Y/N I had a lot of fun tonight
You:Same thanks again by the way Henry I loved it
Henry:I'm glad you did we should do it again some time
You:I'll love that

*The two of you were about to kiss but the door open revealing Charles and he didn't look happy at all at what he was looking*

Charles:Y/N where have you been you know what time it is? And what is he doing here?
You:Jeez what are you Dad?
Charles:No I'm just worried is all come inside Y/N
You:Okay I'll be there just give me a sec
Charles:Okay and Henry thank you for bringing her home
Henry:No problem
You:Well I better get going Henry
Henry:Yeah so much for romance huh?
You:Hehe yeah
Henry:Well goodnight Y/N see you tomorrow sleep well
You:Night Henry

*He leaned in and kissed your cheek walked off you blushed going in the home closing the door behind you sighing to yourself you text Ellie to make sure Charles didn't get suspicious about you and Henry date you went to your room and soon drifted off to sleep*

Hello my wolves hope you all enjoyed the chapter more will be coming soon thank you all for all the votes and views I'm glad you are all enjoying this book I'm having fun writing it and I'll see you all soon love you and ☮️

Henry Stickmin x Female Reader CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now