Chapter 1: Taken

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(Author's note: this is my first story, I really like MHA, and I've been thinking about this for a while. hope you enjoy!)

Katsu's Quirk: Telekinetic Explosion                                                                      -her grandmother's quirk was telekinesis, but it skipped a generation. (Idk just go with it)                                                                                 -The way it works is when she make something float (with her telekinesis) and clenches her hands into tight fists, the object, or person will explode.                                                                            

Katsu's P.O.V.

I opened the door and yelled "Mom! Dad! We're home!!"

There was no response so I assumed they were still at work.

Katsuki and I took off our shoes and brought our bags upstairs. We walked to the right where two doors sat. One said "Katsuki" with orange explosions drawn on the door to the left, and on the other, which was practically the same, said "Katsu," with yellow and teal cartoony explosions drawn all over the wood, to the right.

Just out side my room was a balcony-like area, which I used as a "craft studio," as Dad called it. There was a mannequin covered with my newest design, it was a hoodie that looked like Katsuki's hero costume design. (basically Bakugou merch) There were some other clothes on racks, rolls of fabric on the floor, more fabric hanging on the wall, and other craft supplies messily displayed on a shelf, it looked like a hurricane hit the room but I knew where everything was. 

After about an hour of doing my homework I decide to get some food, I checked the fridge but we were out. I ran upstairs again to change and knocked on Katsuki's door to let him know I'd be leaving. 

I heard him stand from his desk, and stomp over to the door, "The hell do you want?" he questions.

I innocently smile up at him, "nothing, just letting you know I'm gonna grab some food at the market! there's literally nothing in the fridge." I finish with a frown. "You want anything?"

"not really, be careful!!" he yells as I walk away.

"aww are you worried about me?" I tease stopping on the 2nd highest step, "you know I can handle myself." I proudly say with a smile.

"tch yeah right! me, the hag, and the wimp can barely keep track of you!" 

"you're not wrong.." I say a couple steps lower now, he just won't let me leave! "maybe you're all too weak to keep up!" I stick my tongue out at him and make a run for the door.

"THE HELL DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!" I can smell the smoke upstairs as I shove my feet into my shoes.


~time skip 10 mins later~

I hummed to myself as I walk down the street, I was wearing the hoodie I made, it was based off of Katsuki's hero costume design, (which I designed!) some jeans, and black sneakers. My brown hair was pulled into a low messy bun, with my ash blonde tips peaking out, and my ash blonde bangs getting close to covering my eyes. I'd should probably cut them soon. 

The sun comes out from behind the clouds, I reach into my pocket to take a picture of the lake but soon realize I forgot my phone. 

Dang it! oh well, I won't be out long, maybe an hour? 

I instead put on my sunglasses with thin circular frames.

(i know i know, basic character design, but just go with it lol) 

I finally made it to the market, but just after I got in line, a man with light blue hair and a black hoodie put a hand on my shoulder, one finger raised so it wasn't touching me.

I looked back confused, "do you need anything sir?" I said as politely as I could with the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I mentally curse myself for the 'customer service' sounding voice I used.

he smirked and let out a small creepy chuckle, "heheheh, are you.. Katsu Bakugou?" he questioned.

"u-uhm, yes, that's me?.." I stammered, the uneasy feeling growing bigger, starting to feel more like a pit was swallowing me whole.

"good.." he said, smirk not leaving his face, "now, unless you want to turn to dust, I suggest you come with me"

"are you.. a.."

"villain?" he finished quietly and quickly, he chuckled creepily again, "hehehehh maybe you should just come with me so I can answer that question.. And don't even try to run, or scream for help. I'll just kill you and many others here before the pros show up" he said gesturing to the civilians walking around with his free hand.

I nodded nervously as he loomed over me, hand never leaving my shoulder. He lead me to an alley way, knocked me out, and threw me into a purple portal.



Editing was helped by WafflePanda08

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