Chapter 4: Is That Him?

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Curse/swearing warning

Katsu's P.O.V.

12 months after I was taken

No.. no no no.. PLEASE, PLEASE STOP!!!!  

~4 hours ago~

Puppeteer would come everyday, i was never able to wake up before she got there, unless she stayed all night, and made me wake up and sleep at a specific time. Nah.. seems like too much work.

"Heheheh, now.. let's go, Puppeteer, make sure they can't speak, or move on their own" Tomura said waving his hand at her, as i woke up 

Puppeteer pinched two fingers together in the air, which pressed my lips together. Then lifted both hands and I began to walk, she dressed me up behind a curtain in a more casual black outfit than the USJ attack. 

'Well at least she's a girl too, and this outfit is kinda cute.. and comfy..'  I smile to myself.

I walked out from behind the curtain under her control, and straight into the purple portal once more.

We came out the other side at the back of an arcade. I immediately heard music and teens screaming. 






'Wait.. that last voice, it sounds so familiar..'

The same voice continued, "OI!! EXTRAS GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" 

'Katsuki!! It's him, he's right there,'

Tomura started giving instructions on what to do when we go in, they were going to use me as a distraction, force me to start a fight with someone while they go to make a trade with some other villain team named "Demon Crew." (Just made them up, let's pretend they're this big villain organization made of people with powers that alter their appearances, like Mina, except they don't look so cute)

And so they did, I ran into the arcade, right into a blonde guy, with a black streak in his hair, 

"woah! Watch out there, heheh" he laughed.

There was a boy with a familiar head of spikey ash blonde hair behind him, he dropped his drink and stared at me.


"Katsuki!" I tried to yell but it wasn't as loud as it could've been, because my mouth could barely move, but he heard me! 

The only thing wrong.. 

was so did the League...

Authors Note: Sorry it's so short, and for the awkward ending

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