/~I'm cold~\ Josh x Narrator

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Josh's POV

I sat on my bed, shivering. It was my week to use the wash, and all my sweatshirts and blankets where there. It was like 5 degrees outside and the heat was broken. The rest of the boys where in their rooms editing, not wanting to bother them, I stayed in my room, trying to get warm.

Narrator POV

I went downstairs to cook dinner, since it was my night. I made some grilled cheeses and tomato soup. I called everyone down. They all sat down and I noticed, while serving, Josh was missing. I put his food at his seat and went to the stairs.
"JOSH! DINNER!" I didn't get a response. I walked to his room and listened. I couldn't make anything out. I opened the door to see Josh, in a t-shirt, shivering. I sit on his bed and hold his arm. It's freezing. I pick him up and bring him to my room. I put one of my many sweatshirts on him and give him some sweatpants. He goes to my bathroom and changes. He comes out and looks at me. I walk over to him and we start heading downstairs. As we walk I ask why he didn't tell anyone.
"You where all doing your own thing. I didn't wanna bother you guys."
"Josh, you can always come to me." He nods and we head downstairs to eat.

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