Vanitas and Yuffie

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Later that night girl with black hair and purple brown eyes was home in her bed.

After a few hours, something dark had flew towards her window.
Yuffie had once again forgotten to close it all the way and lock it.
The dark figure name Vanitas smiled as he could smell her scent from the outside. He slowly pushed the window open and quietly stepped in.

It was one of the easiest houses to get into.

As he started walking towards her, she moaned as she slowly opened her eyes, feeling that someone was in her room as she noticed him, He leaned towards the side her neck and her eyes widened as she realized what was happening. She brought her knees up and pushed the guy off as hard as she could with her feet.

She stood up as quickly as she could, afraid. She walked back a little toward the wall as he kept his eyes on her. She was shocked and surprised when she noticed that this man, maybe in fact be a Vampire, He lunged at her and knocked her against the wall while holding onto her wrists, as she fell back, she closed her eyes tightly, shaking a little, he headed towards her neck again, but she kneed him in the stomach which caused him to let go of her wrists.

She ran from in front of him, but he quickly went for her. She turned around as she was running back a little, he reached out his hand, trying to grab her, but she lost her balance as her body leaned back on one foot and fell back on her bed.

She wanted to get up, but her body wouldn't let her. He grabbed onto her wrists as her arms were beside her head and climbed on top of her holding her legs down with his own. She kept her eyes closed tight.

"Looks like you're a fighter, but I guess we're going to have to do this another way," He whispered. "No matter what, your blood will be mine!"

She struggled even less as she was getting tired and her head was turned to the side, she kept hoping that someone would save her.
Her head turned over, revealing the side of her neck. He opened his mouth, his bright white teeth showing through the darkness, he was about to sink his teeth into her neck and suck her blood. Her eyes shot opened realizing what was going on. Her body remained still as it was frozen in fear, but just as he was about to bite Kiara, she kicks him off of her and ran off while he runs after her, but he can run really fast, so he was able to catch up to her, he grabs her arm.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

"Vanitas, who are you?"


"I love your name."


"Your welcome."

"What do you want with me?"

"I want to bite you."

"I don't want to die."

"I won't kill you, I decided not to take your blood, I promise I just want to change you into a Vampire."

Yuffie didn't say nothing, she just shuts her eyes as she felt him bitting her neck and seals her neck with his venom, he pulls away from her as she started to scream as she felt her body burning up.

"No worries, it will be over before you know it."

"I don't want to hurt Humans."

"You don't have too, you can drink blood from animals."

Two days later Yuffie's transformation has been completed.

Vanitas smiles when he was it over.

"Come with me, let's go hunting."

She nods and follows Vanitas into the woods as she saw a mountain lion appearing her, she grabs it and stinks her teeth into it and sucks it blood, it roars in pain once it died she buries her pray.

"Very good!"

Yuffie turn to face Vanitas.

"You did very well on your first hunt."

"I just don't want to hurt a human."

"You don't have too, you just have to stay away from Humans until your thirst is under control."

"So that means I can't see my friends."

"I have a twin brother name Sora."


"Yes, he had brown spiky hair."

"My hair is black and it's spiky I used to have green eyes while Sora had blue."

"My eyes were green as a Human."

"I know, I just talk to my brother, the other day, he is dating your sister, they are now engaged."

"Really is she a Vampire yet?"

"Not yet Sora is waiting until after he married to her to change her."

"Me and Kairi just turn seventeen the other day."

"Happy belated Birthday."


"Me and Sora are seventeen as well."

"Why did you change me?"

"Because, I can't control myself around you, I didn't want to end up killing you."

"I see."

"So Kiara, would you like to go out with me?"

"Sure, I'd love too."


A/N: I decided to have Vanitas and Yuffie as a couple in this fanfiction, I have decided to have Edward and Tanya as couple so when Edward return to Forks, he will bring Tanya with him. After Kairi becomes a Vampire Vanitas will bring Yuffie to meet everyone.

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