James, Victoria and Laurnet

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Edward and Sora went to pick up Bella and Kairi and took them to the baseball.

"Since when do Vampires like baseball?" Bella asked.

"Well it's the American pastime, and there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play you'll see why." Edward said as he and Bella got into the car and drove off to where they are playing baseball at.

"Bella and Kairi, I'am glad you girls are here. We need an umpire." Esme smiled as she wrapped her arms around Bella and Kairi.

"She, thinks we cheat." Emmett said as he walks pass tossing the ball in his hands.

"I know you cheat!" Esme said. "Call them as you see them Bella and Kairi."

"Okay." Bella and Kairi said.

Alice looks up at the sky thoughtfully "It's time."

The Cullens and the Strifes starts to play, baseball while Esme talks to Bella, and Kairi and plays baseball at the same time.

"Okay, now I see why you need the thunder!" Bella said. "But it's gotta to be home run right?"

Esme shakes her head. "Edward's very fast."

"Come home, Rosalie!" Emmett shouted.

Edward chase after the ball then throws it very fast as Esme catches it. "You're out." Bella said as Rosalie glares at her.

"OUT!" Emmett shouted only to have Rosalie glared at him. "Babe come on it's just a game."

Rosalie stands up still glaring at Bella.

"Nice kitty!" Carlisle said to Rosalie.

The rest kept on playing while Rosalie stood near Esme and Bella.

"My monkey man," Rosalie said as Emmett threw the ball.

Alice then throws the ball while Rosalie hits it and runs.

Alice gasped. "Stop!" Alice shouted. While the rest of the Cullens and the Strifes and looks then they all ran over to Bella and Kairi. "They were leaving then they heard us." Alice said as they came over to Bella and Kairi.

"Let's go!" Edward said to Bella.

"It's to late!" Carlisle said.

"Get your hair down!" Edward said.

"Like that will help, I can smell her from across the field." Rosalie said.

Carlisle and the rest of the Cullens, and the Strifes turned around to look where the three Vampires were coming from.

"I shouldn't have brought you here. "I'm so sorry!" Edward said.

"What? What are you...." Bella said.

"Just be quiet and stand behind me." Edward said.

Sora pulls Kairi behind him, while Edward stood in front of Bella with his back facing her.

"Stay behind me Kairi, I'll protect you." Sora whispered to her.

"Okay." Kairi whispered back to him.

James, Victoria and Laurent walks over to them.

"I believe this belongs to you." Laurent said as he throws the ball to Carlisle who catches it with a polite smiled on his face.

"Thank you!" Carlisle said.

"I'm Laurent, This is Victoria and James." Laurent said.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." Carlisle said.

"Hello." Laurent said.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused us something of a mess for us." Carlisle said.

"Our apologizes. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent said.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle said.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore!" Laurent said. "We were just passing through."

"The Humans were tracking us, but we led them East," Victoria said. "You should be safe."

"Excellent." Carlisle said.

"So could you used three more players?" Laurent asked.

Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Esme, and the Collins all looked at Carlisle "Oh come just one game." Laurent said.

Carlisle glances over in Edward and Sora's direction. "Sure Carlisle said. "A few of us were leaving, you could take their place. "We'll beat first." Carlisle then tosses the ball to Laurent as Victoria catches it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball." Victoria said.

"Oh, I think we can handle that." Jasper said.

"OHHHH!" Emmett shouted.

"We shall see." Victoria said.

Victoria and Laurent walk away from James.

The rest of the Cullens, and the Strifes walked away from Edward and Sora.

Bella looks at Edward who had his eyes locked onto James eyes.

The wind blows at Bella and Kairi hair James catches their scent.

James had his eyes on Bella then looks at Edward. "You brought a sneak." James said as he lurches into a crouch, his eyes locked onto Bella. Edward gets in front of Bella facing James with his Teeth baring and snarling at him.

James growled at them.

The rest of the Cullens and the Strifes baring their teeths and snarling at James.

Laurnet and Victoria lines up behind James.

"Humans?" Laurent asked.

"The girls are with us!" Carlisle said. "I think it's best if you leave."

"Yes, I can see the game is over," Laurent said. "We'll go now. James?"

Laurent puts his hands on James, James finally left with Laurent and Victoria.

"Get Bella and Kairi out of here!" Carlisle said.

Edward grabs Bella's arm and they walk fast to the car. When they got there Edward opens the door and helps Bella in and tries to help her with her seat belt.

"Okay, I got it, I got alright!" Bella yelled as she puts on her own seat belt while Edward shuts the door and walks to his side of the car and opens the door and got in. He closes the door and turns on his car and drove off.

Sora picks up a sobbing Kairi and ran off to his car. When he got to his car he puts her down and hugs her. "It's okay Kairi, I won't let them hurt you."

"I'am afraid of them. They scared me." Kairi said as she hugs him and calms down and wipes her face from crying.

"I know." Sora said.

"I love you Sora." Kairi said.

"I love you too Kairi." Sora said as he kisses Kairi on her lips.

Kairi kisses Sora on his lips as Sora wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him.

When they pull away from the kiss. Kairi buries her face onto Sora's chest while he hugs her and kisses her cheek. He then picks her up and helps her into the car and shuts the door while Kairi puts on her seat belt. Sora walks to his side of the car and opens the door and gets in, then closes the door putting on his own seat belt. He turns on the car and drove off, Sora is taking Kairi away to hide until it's safe, the next day, they got a call from Edward who told them that Bella was attacked by James and that James was dead. The Strifes, Kairi went to the Hospital to visit Bella. When Bella was finally released from the hospital. She stays home and rest, days pass and it was time for the prom Bella went to the prom with Edward.
Sora and Kairi went together.

A/N: Next Chapter New Moon

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