Bella Moves to Forks and Meets Jacob

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Bella was on the airplane on her way to Forks, when she got there she got her bags and saw Charlie waiting for her, outside.

"Hi Dad!" Bella said. As she ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"Hi Bella!" Charlie says with a smile as he hugs her back.

Charlie helps Bella to put her things in his car trunk when they got everything in. He then close's the car trunk.

The Bella got in to the car and shuts the door and put on the seat belts on Bella sat up front.

Charlie got into the car and shut the door and put on his seat belt and turns on his car and drove off to his house, Charlie talk to Bella on their way home.

When they got to the house. He turns off his car. He help her to get her things out of his car trunk and shuts it then lead her into his house and shows her room, Bella's bed had purple blanket, She unpack her things.

After Bella was done, she looks outside and saw Jacob and his Dad talking to Charlie, she went downstairs and went outside. Billy told Bella that she is all Charlie talks about, Charlie told Billy to shut up, Jacob told Bella that they used to hang out when they were kids. Bella told him that she remembers. Jacob and his dad gave Bella a red truck, because Charlie bought it from Billy.

"So what brings you to Forks?"

"I came here to live with Charlie, so my Mom can travel with her husband Phil." Bella said.

"I see."

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