chapter 46 dance with the devil part 2

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I'm happy to say that this book has over 100 thousand words now, thank you for staying until now. Unfortunately, I've planned once it hits over 100k words, I will end this book. Thank you for everything, for every comment, read and vote.


Serbia knows how stubborn Egypt is. Serbia knows that he is hurting Philip since Phil's hand is turning purple and he hears bones..... Cracking..... Egypt's nails are starting to dig in his wrist.

Serbia thinks of a way to stop him, but all he could think of was causing a distraction. Not verbal provoking since he might actually snap Phil's hand and break it.....

It's the only thing Serbia can think of, He took a wine glass with red wine form the table and he glared back at the Egyptian. Serbia took a deep breath then he splashed/poured the wine all over Egypt. Egypt is even more furious, but as planned, Egypt let go of Phil's hand and Libya quickly dragged philip away form the both of them.

Serbia threw the glass on the floor, causing it to break. "What? Awww did I stain your face? Oh nevermind, your face is already stained with Uglyness"  Serbia scoffed. The students couldn't help but yell 'OOOOOHHHHH' upon hearing Serbia burn Egypt.

"You.... D*ck.... You're so low..... want me to stain your f*ck*ng face with blood?" It's not really burn, but a threat and an invitation to a fight instead. Libya knows that Phil is eventually going to go and try to stop them and Libya knows that it will only cause more harm to Philip so she decided that it's Best for her to take Philip away. Libya took a deep breath then grabbed Philip then took him away. "H-hey! Libya! They are fighting! We can't just leave them!!" Philip tries to go back and stop them from fighting but Libya is surprisingly.... Much stronger? Well it's because of her magic maybe. And thus Phil had no choice but to leave. Libya knows that this is for the best, and it is.

Soon enough, the nations arrived to stop the two. Well, Most likely watched until they've calm down aka sedated them. Since the students were petrified of what they've seen, The nations decided to let everyone go home early. Then after, Libya went with Philip to go to the hospital. With Egypt of course. Egypt awoke when they have arrived at the hospital. Serbia was sent home. It's best to separate Serbia and Egypt or else they might start a war with each other. "Is your hand alright Mr. Philippines? Does it still hurt?" Philip snaps out of his thoughts and went back to reality. "Huh? Y-Yes.... It's fine....." Philip responded wearily.

"That's a relief then" the doctor says. "But is there something going through your  Mr. Philippines? We can always schedule a meeting for you with a Therapist" the doctor says, worrying for his health. "We know that everything that had happened is very traumatizing for you" the doctor adds. "Oh... No, I'm fine, I don't need to see a therapist...... I'm just..... I want o see my brothers" Phil responds. "Oh why yes of course, We have given them private rooms" the doctor replies with a reassuring smile.

"Mr. Indonesia is At room 423, Mr. Malaysia is in room 435 and Mr. South Korea, No, my apologies, I mean Mr. Nrth Korea, is in 667"

The doctor tells Philip. "Umm...., but I heard four of them awoken.... Whose the fourth???" Philip asks. The doctor seems to be quite hesitant to tell him.....

"Ah..... Forgive us but.... He had already left.... He seemed to be in a hurry, we do not know where he went, nor do we know how he left without anyone noticing.... When we went in the room, three of them had their eyes open, And one bed was empty..... Now, as we speak, the three of them are resting in their private rooms, most likely that they are asleep"  the doctor explains.


Phil does not know how to respond.

"Who is it?"

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