chapter 8

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Now Phil is having lunch with the three and they noticed that Phil seems sad. Or like he's thinking about something. The three are concerned. So ame went to Phil and tapped him on the shoulder. "Everything ok?" Ame asked. "Yeah..... It's just..." Phil stops Feeling frustrated. Phil talked to ching cho- China erlier and he seems happy to be talking to Philip. And what China said made him a bit angry and very confused. "Why don't you leave them alone? I'll be your best friend Phil it's best to break ties with them and come join me" China said and Phil of course refused to join him. "They are my friends!" Phil said and he stormed off. Phil snaps back to the present. "It's just what?" Ausie asks?. "It's just China.... He seemed weird....." Phil said frustrated. "What do you mean?" Ausie asked. "Well he said to break ties with you guys.... And be his best friend, And I also saw a picture of him and me when we were children in my house, I guess he was my friend and I forgot about him..." Phil said. They can't blame Phil if he forgot someone from his past because his head got Damaged and he lost some of his memories.

Zeal and Ausie's chest tightened, they felt hurt when Phil said that he forgot about China. But setting those aside. China seems to the prime suspect now. "Phil I think he's the one who spread the rumors" Zeal said. "Him? But why? What could his reason be?" Phil asked and turned around frustrated. The three looked at eachother and nodded. They know what ching cho- China's reason is. And they aren't going to let him. They don't have proof but they need to find proof. No one would believe them even if  China confesses to the whole school. They would only be judged and hated more because they might think that they forced China to say that he is the one who spreaded the Rumours. They talked to Philip and they all agree that China is suspicious especially with his statement.

Now they all went to class and separated after All the classes Phil had to go and pee. But the boys wanted to prank him and make him look like an idiot in front of the females. The comfort rooms are the same and has a door and the sign for females and males are the same but only upside down. So they flipped the female sign and quickly left before Phil could. Luckily for Phil there were no females in there at the moment. The boys are Laughing so much and quickly flipped it back and left because there were girls that are coming. They laughed and left running. The girls are doing their thing fixing their hair, putting on make up and taking pictures and all those girly stuff.

While they are doing that they started to chat and Phil heard them. And that's when he realized that he got pranked by Malay and Indo and he curses in his mind and plans to wait until they leave. "Ugghhh OMG girl!!!! This guy just photo bombed us and I looked so pretty here ughhh" one girl said. "I know right? Like ugh why do they have to go and use their locker like c mon? Can't they find it?" Another girl spoke and Phil thought. 'cant find their locker?' after a few minutes the girls went inside a cubicle and Phil quietly left his cubicle and looked at the phones and found in one of them that there's pictures of someone walking to all the lockers and puting a picture of some sort. Phil looked at the deleted photos because there's phones that if you delete a picture it will be in the deleted album and stay there for a month. Then he saw China panicked and the next picture he looks like he ran. Phil's blood boiled in anger. He Pictured them all so he has evidence.

Phil snapped back to reality he remembers he needs to leave NOW. So he quickly ran away and he has gotten a photo of every picture that China was in.
Phil sent the photos to the three and also sent it to himself in FB so if China tries to delete them he has a copy still. Phil want to thank Malay and Indo but if he didn't have time. So he just didn't mind it. Phil hid his phone in his bag and put it in his locker. The three are shocked at what Phil got. Phil stormed into the room China was in and went Berserk. "CHINA!!!!! SOMEONE TOLD NE THAT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SPREAD THE RUMOUR ABOUT THE TWINS!!!! HOW CAN WE BE FRIENDS!!!!!" Phil shouts at the Taller country and China mentally panicked. "Who told you that?" China said acting dumb. "DONT ACT DUMB YOU DID IT!" Phil said and left angry. China is furious at who told him that. China's cover is blown and he is to blame.

The three tried to find Phil and they saw him mumbling and left the school. They all face palmed they know Phil confronted the Chinese. Once they got home Zeal immediately worked and printed photos of the evidence. When Phil got home he is till so mad at the Chinese. Phil doesent want to be his friend after what he did to the twins. The twins and Ame doesent know when or Where Phil got the evidence but they didn't ask all they cared about is that Phil got evidence and that's what matters now. The three fell in love again with Phil because he got evidence all by himself. "He really is amazing" the three said in Unison and they all glared at eachother. "What did you say?" The three again in unison. And they all fought again. France and UK at the door way watching them. UK and Canada looking scared and concerned while France looks like she doesent have a crap. "Should we stop them?" Canada asks. "What do we do?" UK asks. France takes a sip of her wine. And still looks dead pan. "Just leave them I've been watching this BS for 3 centuries above and just go to sleep there's no stoping them" France says. The two says but and France replies with "did you remember what happened to Zeal?" And the two remembers that he got thrown out the window and so they just left and didn't interfere.


"Relax ching Chong"


"heh well it's your fault"

"So you planned it didn't you?"

"Yes and so what? You can't get the evidence even if they deleted it!"

"I'll expose you too!!!"

"Can you really?"

"You can't, you. Don't. Have. Evidence. They. Won't. Believe. You."

"You will go down with me!!!"

"No I won't, only you"

*Door opens*

"Don't worry ching chong we will
Take care of Ma-I for you, And
If you manage to get out of
This spot, Then join us, it's
Your fault for getting
Caught, but we'll help
Maybe "

"Yes now goodbye China,
You need to take care of
Your precious reputation"

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