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Damion POV

" you're an omega?" I asked confused. " and a guy"

He hid more and gave a tiny nod that melted my heart. In that moment I knew I would do anything to protect him, looking at my sons I knew they felt the same. Affection filled our hearts.

"Hello sweetheart my name is Damian I am your dad." I held my hand out for him to skate and he slowly took it. His hands were soft and his grip was weak. I felt that if I held him he would break apart.

His belly rumbled and I was reminded that he would probably be hungry from his journey. "Philip will show you to your room. Dinner will be done in 5 okay." With a smile I turned and left to order out some food.

Phillip POV

I smiled at my brother he was so adorable I can't wait to spoil him rotten. My heart just about burst when he smiled back with a gummy awkward smile.

"Hi I'm Phillip your oldest brother"
"Hi" he said barely above a whisper looking down at his feet.
"Can I take your bag" I found it odd he only had one small backpack but I decided against saying anything not wanting him to feel uncomfortable
"Mhmm" he said nodding holding his bag out for me.

I took it and gestured for him to follow me. His room was on the second floor we decided against decorating so he could personalize it and a good decision that turned out to be since we were expecting an alpha and not an omega.


I followed Phillip to the room feeling already trusting of him he just had a very motherly vibe that I liked.

When we reached the room my mouth dropped it was huge with its own bathroom and a walk in closet. Was this all for me O my gosh I could really have some fun here maybe get back into dancing or work on making a doll house. I've always wanted to make a doll house but never had enough space but with this I could even make a mini city.

"Ahem" I heard Phillip clearing his throat drawing me back from my thoughts
"I'll leave you to get sorted... ammm bathroom's over there and closet is right there don't be afraid to make yourself comfortable this is your room okay" and with that said and a smile he left.

Bye I thought in my head as I turned to go get a shower before testing the bed out the omega in me loving soft things.

It took 5 minutes to sort my things out flopping on my bed as I waited for dinner

Shortly after I heard a knock on the door

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