Nest frenzy

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After Elliot got home he headed straight for his room barely balancing all his bags leaving a trail of clothes behind him.

*We are rewriting the brothers because I keep forgetting their personalities and names.*

Conrad 19
I look up from my game as dad and Elliot enter the room. I swear you could see Elliot buzzing as he raced up to his room. I was a bit disappointed that he didn't talk to me as we haven't had the chance yet. It's okay though we do live in the same house now. I really missed him and am still bitter about not getting to grow up together like I did with the rest of my siblings.
"What was that about" I asked dad
"I think he's just excited he got some nesting supplies"
"I can't imagine the nesting supplies he had when he was with mom" I said shivering a little, she still leaves me uneasy.
"He's never nested before." Dad grunted out.
My head snapped over to him so fast I thought my neck would snap.
"He's fourteen!" It was basically unheard of for omegas to not nest that's like never sleeping.

Elliot 14
I had never been more excited so many soft things. I began to arrange them on my bed. My excitement began to wane as I couldn't get it right. After an hour I had practically destroyed my room to no avail. I began to tear up before breaking down into full blown wailing.

Max 16
I heard crying coming from Elliot's room. I jumped up and ran to his room it looked like a war zone. His face was red and he was trembling in pile of pillows and blankets.
"Somethings wrong with Elliot" I shouted out.

Hearing Max's shout everyone rushed upstairs to Elliot's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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