A knock

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"Hey dinners ready come down" I heard one of my brothers I am assuming call. It felt nice being called for dinner I was excited to eat as a family was it always going to be like this or were they change for the worse everything was going so to perfect so far and I only hope they would stay this way

I hopped up and made my way downstairs.My family was already waiting with a simple serving of steak and potatoes with roast chicken and rice on the other end of the table.
"Hello my dear we didn't know what you liked so we went simple I hope it is to your taste yes"
I could only simply nod

I was starting to feel anxious so I started scratching my skin I gave them an awkward smile before sitting I never really sat with my family before. Anxiety crawled through me and I started to scratch more aggressively  Warren noticed and grab my hand stopping me.
"Woah your hurting yourself stop that" Warren said surprised. I felt so embarrassed my face turned bright red and I was sure I was releasing distraught pheromones. I swear I want this floor to swallow me whole god this was humiliating.
"Elliot what's wrong" my dad asked calmly releasing calming pheromones calming me down a little. Looking up he surprisingly looked worried instead of disgusted.
"Nothing m sorry" I quickly squeaked out. 
"Hmm it's okay to talk to us we are your family. yes?"
I have a small nod not feeling like talking anymore.

(I tasted steak for the first time in my life it was pretty good I had mine well done I thought the others looked raw but apparently they weren't)

Dinner continued awkwardly until Aiden broke the silence "So what's it like being a male omega and all, I've never met one before."
"That's a bit rude to ask Aiden" Phillip scolded
"No it's okay" I quickly respond not wanting to cause trouble
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to"
"It's fine it's not that different outside of my heats honest. It's mostly people that treat you weird you know"
"O really how so" Shaun pressed
"They always treat you like a baby but at the same time constantly harass you" I started to rant forgetting my surroundings "I mean they say omegas are two delicate for this and that but since I am like a biological anomaly they push me around and treat my like crap. Then after they finish they act like my body is their right gesh it's infuriating and then you have the people constantly hitting on you I am like fourteen how should I react to grown men hitting on me how should anyone react! Really what do they think is going to happen and then they have the gall to touch you." I bunch of growls erupted and suddenly I was very aware of my surroundings. Oh O god please tell me I did not .I really said that out loud the realization hit me hard across the face making me run to my room god what am I doing.

I heard a knock on my door and my dad spoke from the other side " darling know that I won't allow you to get hurt again none of us will. I know it's an impossible promise but I just want to keep you safe from the world you have already won our hearts we are happy you are here"

And for the first time in my life I cried happy tears

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