~ Chapter 16 ~

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Meanwhile, after you finished your classes, you were walking to your dorm to relax for an hour before starting on your work. Cheyenne had texted you a few minutes ago, telling you that she and Jungkook were already at your dorm waiting for you.

Once you opened your door, you were greeted with hugs from both Cheyenne and Jungkook and you then went straight towards your bed.

"Looks like someone is tired." Cheyenne stated as she sat next to you, "But you can't rest yet, you need to tell us about yesterday's date!"

You smiled at the thought, "He asked me to be his girlfriend."

Cheyenne squealed and tightly hugged you while Jungkook forced a smile and congratulated you. You noticed him pull out his phone immediately but turned your focus to Cheyenne, who started bombarding you with questions.

"Tell me everything! When did he ask? Wait how did he ask? OMG I bet it was super cute."

You answered her with a smile. Feeling your heart beat faster and butterflies fluttering in your stomach just by remembering the moment.

"Aww that's so sweet I wanna throw up," Cheyenne smiled, "It's kinda wild how he officially asked you like two months after you made love." She stated in a teasing tone.

You noticed Jungkook awkwardly laugh but decided to deal with it later. "Oh shut up, relationships work in various ways."

Cheyenne laughed at you as she stood up from your bed. She checked her phone and groaned, "Shit, I have to go, apparently we're having an impromptu club meeting in fifteen minutes."

You and Jungkook nodded at her as she left your dorm. You grabbed your phone to text Taehyung, just to ask about his day. Normally he responds right away, but he was taking longer today. You didn't think much of it as you closed your phone, understanding that he could've been busy at the moment.

After a couple minutes of silence, Jungkook decided to properly react to your news, "So, you and Taehyung are like official now?"

You turned to him and nodded, "Yep, and I know you and Hoseok are against it but so far everything is good between us."

Jungkook bit his cheek as he thought, "But don't you think two months is too soon? You've only been on five official dates so far, you could've taken some more time to get to know him better."

"Isn't the point of dating to get to know each other?"

Jungkook looked at you blankly, "Well yeah, but—"

"And don't forget I have three classes with him and we've studied together multiple times a week. I think I know him well enough to date him."

Jungkook agreed but continued to refute, "But are you sure it's safe to date him?"

You furrowed your brows at him, "Safe?" you repeated as you looked away from Jungkook to think. "Jungkook, I really don't want to ask this because it's awkward for the both of us but are you saying this because you like me?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, "What?"

You shrugged, "You haven't been hiding it that well and you keep mentioning that I don't know Taehyung well enough and that I should wait, and well isn't that just implying that you're the better guy because I've known you for longer and know you really well?"

Jungkook scoffed, "I can't believe you'd think so lowly of me."

"It's not that low, it's how people with crushes act sometimes. They'll hate on the other guy by making themselves look like the better option."

Jungkook took a breath, "Sure but I promise that's not the reason. I'm suspicious of Taehyung because I want to protect you, it's not out of being possessive or jealous. If it were any other man, I would've been more supportive."

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