The camp

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Somewhere in Madrid:
"Couldn' the camp invest in real roads instead of using this stupid gravel shit." You scoff.
"I don't know." She replied angered by your foolish behaviour. You and your mum both stay silent as you enter the gates. You carefully open the car do and tip-toe out.
"Welcome to camp "peces senior!" He shouts happily.
"Hi." You say rudely.
"Ok you can meet the others over there, we'll be starting the activities in 15 minutes." He said excitedly and pointed over to the others. You slowly walk over there and up to a girl with long hair and blue eyes.
"Hi." You said sadly.
"Hello." The girl replies.
"Where are you from and how did you get to this stupid camp." You say trying to start a conversation.
"Russia, and my mother is that Russian sugar baby on TikTok." She nods embarrassed.
"Wow... really?" You ask as the girl laughs. "If it makes you feel any better, your mum has some good tips." You laugh.
"Yeah, she wants me to get a rich husband asap." She rolls her eyes.
"Aren't you like... 18?" You ask.
"17." She laughs.
"Wow, that sucks." You reply. "Any cute bachelors?" You wonder.
"Yeah I guess, but my type are bachelorettes." She laughs.
"Oooh, ok, gotcha." You say as you both laugh. Well that first interaction was not bad at all. Obviously this was a camp full of rich kids which works out perfectly because you are one too. You look over and see the same guy from earlier walk towards you.
"It's getting pretty late. You should set up your tent." He smiles and hands you a bad full of equipment.
"It's rather small." You say hesitantly.
"No it's one of our bigger options. Now, find a place to set up your tent." He smiles and signals for everyone to walk off.
"Want to put your tent near mine?" You ask the Russian girl.
"Sure I guess." She smiles.
"And also what's your name?" I quickly continue.
"Sofia." She replies as she picks her tent bag off the ground. You and Sofia chose a very cute spot near the river of the camp. Your tent sat right next to a small cherry blossom tree that sprung blossoms onto the tree of your tent.
"Ok folks! Time for showers! Take turns over there." He says as he gathers all the campers together.
"There!" Sofia whispers to you.
"I guess." You scoff. You and Sofia walk to a small hose connected to a tree.
"How are we supposed to do it?" You rolled your eyes. Right as you said that a boy walked up near you who must've overheard and started to speak.
"Well you should just do this." He spoke as he pulled down his pants.
"WOAH!" You and Sofia both shout and run away back to your tents. Right as you were about to get into your tent you slipped on some mud and your whole leg and body was covered in slimy dirt!
"Ewwww." You say and look at Sofia who had been watching the entire incident unfold. "I ain't going near that shower again." You say in disbelief.
"I guess you can just wipe it off with a towel then." Sofia replies and passes a old grey towel to you. You thank her and quickly wipe the mud off in your tent. All of a sudden Sofia heard a scream from inside the tent and quickly opened it up to see what had happened. You looked down at your legs and they were covered with big red stinging and bites.
"You need help!" Sofia shouted.
"I don't want to create a scene, not on my first day at least." You reply. "I have some sore creams in my bag, I'll be fine." You reassured Sofia. The night went on and you tried to stay inside your tent as much as possible with the excuse that you felt sick. As the night went on you had found more bites on your legs, face, arms and body.
"Ok campers! Everyone get to bed!" The leader shouted from outside the tent. Finally the day was over and you could just sleep and relax. You fell asleep very quickly and before you knew it you were snoring and in a deep sleep.
"Hiiiiiiiii." You heard someone say right next to your head. You woke up to see a guy you had never seen before in your tent.

In my tent // Benji Krol Fanfic SmutOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant