The old farmhouse

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I couldn't log back into my acc, but after like a year I'm back!! Mind my terrible writing before, I did not know how a dick works. Also I thought kink was interchangeable with smut lmfaooo. Without furtherado here is the new chapter (; BTW. Half of this chapter was written two years ago lol-}

You opened your eyes and looked at the guy who just spoke. He was dashingly handsome. But in a very cute way. You could tell he was battered out drunk and barely had any idea what he was doing.
"Hey." You said calmly. "Why are you here." You ask hiding yourself under the blankets so he doesn't see you just wearing panties and a large shirt.
"I'm not sure ma'm." He said disoriented.
"You don't need to call me ma'm." You laughed.
"Ok woman. Come with me." He said and pointed outside of the tent.
"Why." You ask.
"Because I need help." He says about to fall over.
"Ok, fine I'll come." You say and get up slowly. You see him staring at the hundreds of ant bites across your body.
"You better come with me." He smiles. "Those bites will make you sick." He nodded.

{2022 me starts here lol}

You follow the drunken man outside your tent and walk towards a forest of trees. The forest had a small path made overtime by children hiking at the camp. The path was rugged and covered in random roots and vines, making it extremely hard to get anywhere quickly, the only thing lighting the path being the full moon.

"You're not gonna kill me... are you?" You genuinely ask, left without a reply but just a small chuckle from the boy. The trees started clearing, making the path slightly more visible in the moonlight. The path came to a stop at a tall wooden fence, about a metre taller than you. The boy used small ledges in the fence to climb up to the top. He sat on the thin fence, flicking his legs back and forth, his hand out towards your face.

"I don't know... leaving camp with a strange man through a forest? And what was the "emergency" you desperately needed help with?" You chuckle quietly.

"Boredom... I was so bored." He laughs.

"You've got to be kidding." You roll your eyes, pulling down your shirt to cover your ass and turning around to walk back.

"You won't have to sleep in those tents, I have a spare room... and a bed. Just come back here before your parents pick you up." He smiled.

"Fine, you've convinced me." You conclude. Yes it would be lovely to have an actual bed, but honestly, what helped you come to a conclusion was his light smile while he spoke. You reach your hand out to the boy and he jolts you up onto the fence's ledge. You land awkwardly on his lap and he shakes his head slowly as he sees your flustered face. He grabs your waist and lifts you onto the the fence next to him, before swiftly jumping off into a wide paddock.

"Ok, come down." He smirks.

"Um, I'm good up here actually, it's pretty tall." You mutter, your thighs shivering in the wind.

"C'mon I'll catch you." He puts both of his hand out. You sit awkwardly on the fence, taking in the height. "Shit see that light?" He mutters.

"Yes." You nod looking behind you.

"That's the perimeter guard, you need to jump down or he'll catch you." He waves his arms around signalling for you to jump down. You nervously tighten your grip on the fence as the wind blows through your hair.

"Any day now, preferably before I sober up at come to my senses." He groans. You finally let go, launching yourself just in front of his body. He grabs your hand before running through the grass field towards an old farmhouse. The field is completely empty, well except for a couple of horses and haybales scattered around.

Before long you reach the old farm house. The farm house had a full stone exterior, covered in vines and the roof scattered with discoloured beige roof tiles. You came to a small-wooden front door, lit up by a small gas lamp hanging from the wall. You followed the boy inside. The house was fully lit up and covered with old paintings of flowers and old vases.

"Is this where you live?" You ask, looking around.

"No, it's my great uncles. I'm looking after it while he goes to some wedding." He explains. "It's late, I'll let you rest I guess. Your room is the one just up the stairs, I'll be on the couch if u need me." He smiles, walking over to the brown leather couch.

"So there wasn't a guest room?" You scoff.

"Hm... I guess not." He laughs and sits on the couch.

You find your way to the guest room. It was a small room with a queen sized bed. As you got into it and adjusted yourself, the wooden bedframe rattled.

"Well, let's hope I don't get murdered." You chuckle to yourself.

{Let me know what you think of this new chapter (:}

In my tent // Benji Krol Fanfic SmutWhere stories live. Discover now