Missionary on the fence

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You wake up to the sound of small birds chirping and singing on the oak tree outside your window. You slowly sit up, letting your eyes adjust from the morning sunlight coming in through the curtains. You look over to your bedroom door, noticing the boy from yesterday standing in the doorway leaning against the frame. 

"Ok... well that confirms it. I actually did kidnap a girl." He bumps his head softly on the door frame in frustration. 

"Mhm... yep you'd be right." You chuckle lightly. 

"God, sorry. I was drunk enough to kidnap you, but obviously not drunk enough to forget about it." He smiles, his hand on his forehead. "Look, come downstairs and I'll put some water on the kettle for you." He nods and walks off down the hall. 

"Wait." You called. The boy backs up down the hall and returns to the door frame. 

"Yes?" He mumbled. 

"Um, do you have pants?" You ask shyly. 

"No, I walk around all day in my underwear." He chuckles at his own wit. "They're in the cupboard there." He points to the other side of the room. He leaves yet again and you hear him creaking down the wooden stairs. You walk over to the cupboard which was slightly stuck shut and budge it open. You looked around, seeing only jeans, must've been his greats uncles clothes. You take the smallest looking pair and try them on. As you brought them up to your waist they immediately fell back down to your ankles. You scuffled around the drawers looking for a belt or even a string, but found absolutely nothing. You waltz down stairs, holding your pants up. The boy, in the kitchen getting the tea cups out, looks at you trying not to laugh. 

"A bit big?" He smiles.

"I couldn't find a belt, do you have any idea where one would be." You ask, ignoring his snarky comment. 

"Yes, I actually do." He walks closer, before stopping directly in front of you. He smirks at your confused face, looking directly into your eyes while he started to unbuckle his belt. You gulp, nervously looking down as he continued to maintain eye contact. 

"Here," He passes the belt to you. You unclench one of your hands off the oversized jeans, reaching out to take the belt.  He jolts it away from you as your hand gets closer, smiling at your annoyed look. 

"Keep still." He mutters, threading the belt through your jean's belt loops. He grabs your waist, spinning you around slowly as he reached each loop. You shakily inhale as he smiles at you as he finally reaches the end, buckling the belt tight, cinching it tightly to your waist. 

"Thanks, I guess." You smile, collecting yourself after being so flustered. "Um, just a weird question though..." You pause.


"Why'd you chose me? To yunno... kidnap?" You ask. 

"I went there yesterday to pick up some mouldy hay and after the whole shower incident I heard you say that you didn't want to stay in the tent. Of course I wasn't going to do anything about it, drunk me had different ideas though. " He leans on the kitchen bench. 

"Oh shit you saw the shower incident... even the bit where I-" 

"Where you got flashed... yep." He interrupts, smirking. "Anyway the water should be finished boiling by now." He checks his watch quickly before doing a double take. "20 minutes before the wake up alarm goes on at the camp, you can probably get back if you really want to?"

"Yeah! Yes, let's go come on." You burst out. The boy runs out of the door, slamming it into the stone wall as he ran out. You quickly follow him through the paddock, the grass brushing against your bare feet, leaving mud stains on the bottom of your feet. It was so much more beautiful during the day. You get to the wooden fence, the boy already waiting for you at the entrance. 

"C'mon, I'll give you a leg up." He bends down, brushing his long brown hair out of his face and putting both of his hands on his knee. You step up onto his hands as he begins to count down. All of a sudden he stops counting, both of you hearing a sound from over the fence. 

"[Y/N] Please make yourself clear if you are out here. Please return to the camp." A man shouts through the forest. 

"Is the perimeter guard already looking for m-," You stopped talking as the boy leant over your body, covering your mouth with his hand, you both breathing loudly as you wait for the guard to leave. He puts his lips close to your ear before whispering.

"You'll have to stay with me," He whispers and even though you couldn't see his face, you just knew he was smirking. You both listen as the guard suddenly walks over closer to the fence, still repeating the same phrase as earlier. The boy slams you into the fence, making sure you don't make a single noise, your hands clenching his fluffy brown hair nervously. You stay in this position, heavily breathing until the man leaves into the distance. The boy back ups, leaving you awkwardly leaning on the fence, watching you awkwardly standing back up on your own feet again. 

"Heyy [Y/N]," He winks jokingly. 

"Haha, very funny, now you know my name." You scoff, brushing the dirt from the fence off your ass. "So what's your name." 

"Hmm I wonder." He stalls, smirking at you lightly. He walks towards you, leaning on the fence and pulling you by your shirt into his body, laughing quietly the entire time. 

"Oh I'm so scared protect me from the guard." He mocks in a high pitch voice, grabbing your hair playfully just like you did to him. "Oh Benji, please help me... cum. This is the perfect position for missionary." He continues doing an impression of you. 

You back up with a huge smile on your face. "Benji's your name? Ewww," You chuckle, completely ignoring the missionary joke he just made. 

In my tent // Benji Krol Fanfic SmutWhere stories live. Discover now