French toast

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{Authors note: There is a heap of horse reference-type things in this chapter. If you know nothing about horseback riding, or wouldn't enjoy reading this chapter just skip it, it has no major plot points. Ig if you like lemon you can read the beginning and the very end??? I'll mark off the lemon for the people just looking for that! Happy reading!}

The birds on the oak tree outside wake you up yet again. You open the gable window, letting the hot wind blow through your hair before going over to the wardrobe to pick your outfit. You smile looking at your choices: Jean pair 1, Jean pair 2, Slightly darker Jean pair 3, White button up shirt, chequered shirt and some random grandma looking flower shirt. You get changed into jean pair 2 and the random grandma looking flower shirt, underneath it the same red lingerie pair from yesterday and Benji's belt on your bed-side table. You walk down the stairs to see Benji cooking french toast at the stove.


"Morning," He peers over at you.

"Good morning," You respond, rubbing your eyes.

"French toast?" He asks, you reply by nodding back. You sit down on one of the stools at the kitchen counter, a placement mat in front of you. He places a plate with two slices of french toast in front of you, and you start nibbling on it the second it hits the table. Benji soon takes his plate to the placement mat next to you, sitting so close your legs were touching. You both eat in silence, listening to a spanish music station on a little portable radio next to the stove. Benji picks up his leg, rubbing it up and down your leg as he casually sits listening to the radio. You hold your breath, butterflies in your stomach as he raises your jeans up and then lets them fall back down to your ankles. He starts eating again, finishing his one slice of toast, rubbing your thigh with his hand before he takes the dishes to the sink. You finish your pieces and return them to the sink as well.

"Well, today I was thinking we could do something fun." He scrubs the plate in his hand.

"Like what?" You ask.

"Have you been horseback riding before?" He asks.

"I used to ride when I was a young teen." You reply.

"Good you'll be fine." He smiles, turning the sink off and walking over to the shoe rack by the front door, grabbing a pair of riding boots. "C'mere." He gestures with his hands. You walk over, taking the boots from his hands and putting them over your socks. You both leave the house, walking over to a small barn about 200 metres away from the house.


The wooden barn had 4 stables, a tack room, an abandoned loft and a space to store hay. Benji walks into the tack room taking a brown leather saddle and matching bridle off of the rack as well as a bag full of brushes, handing it to you.

"You can tack up the horse in the top right stable, assuming you know how to." He tells you, you are walking out of the tack room, straight to the horse waiting in the top right stable. The horse was a tall dapple-grey-coated mare, chewing on a hay bag. You walk inside the stable, brushing the mare, picking her shoes out. You put a pastel green saddle pad on her, placing the saddle on top, tightening the girth and adjusting the stirrups to fit your leg length. You put her bridle on, taking her out of her stable, waiting for Benji to finish tacking up. He walks out of the stable with an even taller chestnut-coated Spanish purebred, tacked up in all black tack with a matching red saddle pad, boots and ear bonnet.

"I like your red set." You point out.

"Thanks, it's to match the bra you're wearing today." He smiles.

"Wait... how'd you know-,"

"Your grandma's shirt is very see-through." He smirkes, passing you a helmet over. You cover your body behind the horse, taking the helmet from his palm. You walk out in the yard, mounting the horses from a small fallen tree trunk.

"What's the mare's name?" You ask Benji.

"Oh, my uncle just named her Mare." He shrugged back. "Feel free to change her name I guess."

"Hm... I like Dove." You smile, bending down to look at Dove's face. "Do you like Dove too?" You talk in a baby voice to the confused Mare. You follow Benji bareback to an undercover arena near the camp fence line, probably 400 metres away from where you escaped. Benji Started trotting around the arena, watching you slowly walk around.

"I'll quickly warm up Copper, then I'll watch you to see how well you can ride. Don't worry Mar- I mean Dove is my uncles horse. She's nothing special but she's very reliable." Benji assures you. Benji finished his warm-up, going into the middle of the arena to watch you as you start trotting around, riding just fine. He keeps an eye on you as you turn around the other way to try a trot on the other side.

"You can canter if you want." He calls across the arena, giving Dove the cues to canter, holding on tight as you hadn't cantered in so long. Dove moved into a canter, cantering along the edge of the arena. Benji joins in, cantering along behind you, cutting through, completing a jump in the middle of the arena, both Benji and Copper looking like they're flying as you continue at a steady canter around the arena.


"Do you want to jump over that oxer?" Benji asks.

"I haven't jumped in ages, I don't think so." You reply, shaking your head and chuckling that Benji thought you were brave enough to even try.

"Not even if you do it with me, I'll be with you the entire time, just one jump." He assures me.

"Fine, just one." You respond, getting off Dove and tying her up to the arena fence. You walk over to copper, Benji giving you a leg up onto the saddle.

"Slide back on the saddle, make sure I have enough room in the front." He tells you, pulling himself up in front of you in the saddle. "Make sure you wrap your arms around me and hold on with your legs." He explains.

"Ah, so this was all a ploy then?" You chuckle at him.

"No... you need to wrap your hands around me so you don't go flying off the side of the horse." He shakes his head. He begins cantering around the arena, you hanging on with your legs.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yep." You quickly answer. He turns faster, doing a 20 metre circle, lining up for the jump. You cling to him, your arms beneath his arms, your hands clutching onto his shoulders as you came closer to the jump.

"3 strides, 2 strides, 1 stride." He says as you enter the jump, both lifting your body as you go over, pretty much copying what Benji was doing. You fly over the jump, hitting the ground hard, both bouncing back into your seat as the horse continues to go back into a canter. As the adrenaline decreased, you realised you had butterflying in your stomach as your hands lay over Benji's toned body. 

In my tent // Benji Krol Fanfic SmutWhere stories live. Discover now