The red lingerie

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Benji lay on top of you, breathing each other in, your bodies touching, feeling each other's heart beat rise. As Benji cupped your face with his hands, thinking about only each other, you were suddenly interrupted by shouting downstairs.

"Civil Guards, we have a warrant to search your property Anderson Krol." You hear men shouting from downstairs.

"What the fuck are civil guards." You scoff.

"Swat." Benji shushes you, picking you up and shoving you under the bed, running out of the bedroom, buttoning up his shirt as he runs down the stairs. He unlocked the front door, letting a parade of armed officers into the house, searching each room, constantly radioing to each other. An officer walks behind Benji, handcuffing him and dragging him out of his house. You try not to breath or make a sound as you hear officers walk up the stairs. You look around the floor seeing if there was anywhere else you could hide, obviously the civil guards or whatever they're called are going to look under the bed. You squish your hands and feet into the wooden slats underneath the bed, bracing yourself from when they search the room.

The door flies open and you use all your strength to lift yourself up, your body shaking, trying not to make a sound. The men search around the room, looking through each cupboard, each drawer, behind every table until one of them walks towards the bed. You hold your breath, stopping your body from shaking as much as you could. You hear a man pulling the blanket up, briefly looking, then making a radio announcement to the rest of the crew.

"Upstairs clear." He announces. You listen to him walk out of the room, before slowly lowering yourself to the ground, your head landing on something stiff. You bend your arm backwards to collect the object behind you, bringing it into your eyesight. You hold in a gasp as you see yourself holding a stiff sock in your hand. You slowly lower it to the ground, dropping it, rolling away from the sight. You bash into something at the corner of the bed and pick it up to bring into light. Your eyes adjust and you see that you are now holding a 2L bottle of moisturiser.

"Ew, ew, ew!" You gasp trying to stay away from any more cum-covered objects you may find under the bed. You couldn't hear the men anymore, but still didn't dare to move from under the bed. The adrenaline from hiding from the men... and the stray objects under the bed, started to wear off and you remembered they took Benji. You leave beneath the bed, sticking your head over the window as you watch a police van drive away.

The whole time Benji was in custody or whatever, you didn't leave the room, entertaining yourself by looking out windows, looking through drawers and at jewellery. At one point you even resorted to watching the clock tick tirelessly, leaning on the side of the bed rocking back and forth. After what seemed like endless days, you heard a key turn in the front door. Worried it was the coppers again you crawled back under the bed, next to all the many cummy objects.

"[Y/N]?" Benji calls while walking up the stairs. You crawl out from under the bed, holding the moisturiser bottle and the stiff sock. He walks in, witnessing you kneeling on the floor holding the two objects in either hand, the sock by one singular string. As he notices you, you hold in a laugh.

"Give those back." He groans.

"No, I'm not going to." You giggle, putting the objects behind your back as he walks over. He bends down, kneeling next to you, reaching out to grab the things out of your hands. You clench the objects tightly, moving them away from him.

"You little-," He mutters to himself as he reaches towards your back to grab the items, you bringing them onto your lap. He grabbed your upper arms with both hands, pinning them onto the floor and climbing over your waist to take the items from your hands. You stop tightly squeezing them, your face red, letting him take them from you. He smiles at you widely, getting up, putting the objects on a nearby clothes drawer and reaches his hand out at you. You take it and he pulls you up, still holding your hand tightly as he starts walking towards the stairs.

"You still haven't looked at what I bought." He smiles, letting you go, jogging over to the front door, picking up the bags he dropped earlier. He puts the bag on the kitchen counter in front of you.

"Ok, I know how eager you are for me to open the gifts but are you ok? Like the Spanish cops literally handcuffed you and took you away." You ask.

"Yeah I'm fine." He responds quickly, nudging the shopping bag closer to you.

"What was it about anyway?" You ask.

"Um, they had witnesses who saw you run across the field when you escaped, however the police found me not guilty due to lack of proof." He shrugged.

"Maybe this isn't worth it. I should just turn myself in, there's nothing here for me." You smile awkwardly looking at Benji.

"You have me." He moves his hand onto your hand, slanting his face to the left in confusion like a puppy.

"Maybe, but I'm hiding all the time. I should just go back to the UK, back to my house, Mark and my mum." You start fiddling with the wooden duck on the table again.

"Mark?" He questions.

"Uh, yeah my boyfriend." You smile awkwardly.

"From what we did earlier, I don't think you're into him very much." Benji smiles, raising his eyebrows as if to say 'I proved you wrong lmao'.

"Look I feel bad about that, don't make me feel any worse." You mutter quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Ok look, stay here for a couple more days. I'll prove to you that you can stay." He smiles at you. You look away, refusing to look at him but he reaches out his hand, placing it on your chin, pulling your face towards him, forcing eye contact. You let out a little smile, before nodding slowly.

"Ok now open my pressies!" He exclaims, you rolling your eyes. You take out the first bra, a little red lace bra, barely covering anything.

"You're joking right? This is lingerie." You roll your eyes, jokingly throwing the bra at Benji's face, laughing at him jerk back as it lands on the top of his head.

"Maybe you'll be happier when you find out it comes with..." He pauses for dramatic effect, sticking his hand in the shopping bag, "Matching Panties!" He smiles widely, flinging skimpy panties out of the bag, almost hitting your face.

"Wow, I'm just ecstatic about it." You say sarcastically, riffling through the bag, checking to see if any of it is actually stuff you can wear. "So this is all lingerie." You ask, Benji replies with a fast nod.

"Ok, now try it on." He smirks, putting the red piece back into the bag and handing it to you. You walk over to the bathroom, carrying the bag close to your stomach. You place the bag on the sink, trying on the red piece. You'd never tried anything like this though and as you looked into the small bathroom mirror you were flabbergasted and how hot you looked. You stop bouncing up and down in the mirror to adjust the straps, having trouble reaching over behind your shoulders. All of a sudden you heard a swift knock on the door.

"Are you ok, you've been in there for quite a while." Benji asks from outside the door.

"Yeah, I'm just adjusting the strap." You answer, audibly struggling.

"I can help if you want." He adds.

"Yeah, ok I guess, just come in." You reluctantly answer, battling with yourself. He slowly opens the door, peeking his head over and then his body next. You smile at him as he walks in and walks behind you. He puts his hand on your waist, twisting your body so to face him. He moves your hair onto your shoulder, adjusting the straps making you blush.

"Thanks." You smile.

"No problem." He whispers next to your ear, then moving back and giving you a small kiss on the shoulder. As he walked out of the room you rubbed your forehead with your hand in frustration.

"I don't know if I can handle this any longer." You mutter to yourself.  

In my tent // Benji Krol Fanfic SmutWhere stories live. Discover now