Part 1 - Blood Hunter

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Bailey's P.O.V

The amount of blood was overwhelming, the sticky red liquid covering every inch of my pale cold skin. The man was now just lay there, lifeless, just like me. The over powering smell of the gooey liquid made me go insane for more, I had only got a pint of the fresh blood inside of me but I needed more...

I ran to the house searching for more pray, I saw a family walk out, the little girl was plump and just what I needed, before I could charge my older brother Sean leaped at the little girl...

The girl was screaming and my human senses kicked in, I pulled Sean off the crying little girl and flung him into a tree, the mother was now screaming...

I looked the little girl in the eyes, I ran before the woman could call anyone for help. Then it kicked in...

I, Bailey Griffis, am a monster, a murderer...

*Next Day*

Before I confuse you even more, I have just been bitten by my brother and was turned into a vampire, I still have some human abilities left in me so I don't need as much blood. Last night was horrific, it scared me even more knowing that to survive I had to kill. I walked over to the mirror, I was very pale, my blue eyes now swapped for red ones, Sean told me soon they would go golden brown and when I'm angry they would go black. I shivered and walked away, I got changed and did my hair in one minute flat. One good thing about being a vampire I suppose. Sean would be pretty pissed off with me after last night, I shuddered at the thought. I was never hungry for pizza, or curry like most teenagers...nah a nice fresh pint or so of human blood for me! Woo! Note the sarcasm. I then realised I could never go to school again, I have never heard of a vampire school before and I would probably kill every human at my old school. Every human I see or smell I want to kill. 'You need to stop this Bailey, stop killing humans' the voice in the back of my head was telling me. When I was a human it was annoying but because I am a vampire, my sight, hearing, smell and taste is even stronger so that little voice is now like a real person talking to me! Annoying much?!

I went for a walk in the forest, the man I killed was no longer there, police probably found him and took him to hospital, he was ripped to shreds! I found my lips curve into an evil smirk, as a vampire I have serious anger issues, my whole life is evil, I am manipulative, dark oh and really scary. Everything about me is irresistible, my looks, my smell, my voice. I stopped dead in my tracks, I sniffed the air, I could smell humans, four of them, all men, around 40 years old, cool huh?!

I walked closer to where they were and overheard them talking

"We have a serious case here, looks like an animal attack, perhaps a bear? All his blood has gone and his limbs have been pulled apart, poor guy..."

I suddenly felt sick, I had done this, I was the bear! This was it, I thought to myself. I am never going to kill a human again, I am just going to live on the blood of animals, I am going to become a vegetarian...


Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment and maybe fan? Sorry if it is confusing, or disgusting or not very good! At least just 1 vote for the next chapter guys? :D xox - Liz

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