Part 5 - Fight

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Karla's P.O.V

Keeping Bailey under control was the only important thing today. When I first started I had no one to help me, it was hard and I got in a few fights, of course I won but I kept getting suspended. I was nearly expelled but lets just say my Dad had a few words with the headmistress. The best thing to do at this school is keep your head down, which is harder than you think. I can see the future and one of my visions is very very very worrying. I snap out of my thoughts when Bailey says "Look, it's Christian." her jaw clenched again "I know. Just try to ignore him." I replied. Which is harder than you would think...

Bailey's P.O.V

Just keep walking. Just keep walking. You do not want to rip out his throat and then feed it to him. Keep walking! "What." I snapped, Christian was staring at me "You were the girl at the mall, you're gonna pay for that." he replied. My eyes darkened, Karla had to go to see her English teacher so I was left to face him. I glared at him and he stepped back "Ok. Chill. Just, you, me and dinner at 6?" he said trying to flirt. That was it for me. I slammed my hand in his chest and pushed him back against the lockers, only him and his 'friends' were around. His 'friends' ran off. "Care to repeat what you just said?." I said icily whilst trying to calm down

"N-no...I-I j..." he stuttered, I smirked and pulled away...

"Well, well, well. I never thought I would of seen the day that Christian Rodgers was turned down." The guy in form chuckled as he approached us. I think his name was Marcus

I smirked "Yeah and if he tries anything again, I ain't gonna hold back." I stated

I started to walk away when I heard Christian say "You know Marcus, stop trying to act cool. That's my job." he chuckled and grabbed Marcus by the throat, shoving him to the floor.

I ran up behind Christian and was ready to sink my teeth in when Karla shouted "BAILEY! STOP." I pulled away and ran off with Karla...

Marcus' P.O.V

Definately a Vampire. No doubts. Strange thing was, is that she protected me. I would of loved to see her kill Christian right then but then Karla comes to save the day...we all know Christian has a thing for Karla. I rubbed the back of my neck and I saw Bailey walking on her own. I ran up to her and she just carried on walking "Thanks." I said Without turning around or stopping she replied "Whatever. Just don't get in any more fights." I ran up to her again and grabbed her hand, her cold skin made me shiver as I said "I know you're a Vampire. I'm not scared of you."


Thank you for reading! Vote, comment and maybe fan? Anyways, hope you are all having a good Christmas Eve :) Sorry if their are any mistakes, or you don't understand it! - Liz xox

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