Part 4 - School

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*2 weeks later*

Marcus' P.O.V

I woke up to my usual day of hell at school. Mum hasn't stopped crying over what happened to Dad and Bella, my little sister, won't stop talking about this 'Vampire' that saved her, so it should be good to have a day out of the house. I got changed and looked out the window, we hadn't seen the new neighbours but something was always being smashed, or they would leave the house at odd times in the night, they have some serious anger issues. I shook my head and made my way to school, suddenly this blur zoomed past me, if I looked closely i'm sure it was a human, oh god, maybe i'm going crazy!

Bailey's P.O.V

I just went for a early morning run before school...ok ok! Wow chill, I just went to eat my breakfast, man that lion was really feisty.I shrugged off the thought and made my way to Karla. She was also a vampire, her Dad is Aaro, the volturi leader. Karla is a 'vegetarian' like me and she is my best friend, so that is probably why he let me be a 'vegetarian'. I suddenly saw that guy I met at the mall he strolled in and thought he looked cool, my jaw clenched and my fists tightened "Bailey! Calm down. Your eyes are dark. Just forget about him, you need to keep your cool" Karla said in a icy tone, she hated him as much as I did, apparently his name is Christian Rodgers. I nodded and prepared myself to face the humans "Remember, just sit next to me all day, you aren't ready to sit next to a human yet" Karla added "I know" I said. We both gave the vampies famous evil smirk as everyone (especially the boys) gaped at us. We were vampires so they would find us hard to stay away from, I chuckled as we entered the classroom...

"Ah Karla, oh and you must be Bailey our new student" Mr..errr..said

"I am Mr Gaskarth you're form tutor" Mr Gaskarth, that's it!

I smiled and sat at the back with Karla. I studied the room and saw a guy in the corner, he saw me looking and looked back to the front. He was mysterious, something about him was different to any other human here. "That's Marcus Bentley" Karla said making me jump "W-who?" I said, she gave me a 'you know what i mean' look, and if I could blush, I probably would be right now "His Dad, was half vampire, they never really got on, Colin is only a quarter vampire, but his looks come from his Dad." Karla said, I nodded slowly then replied "Was?" "Yeah, another 'creature' attacked him a couple of weeks ago." Karla stated, doing air quotations for the word creature, I instantly knew she meant Vampire. For two vampires we still act like teenage human girls, although we don't breath, we dont eat or drink food, just blood. It's funny in a weird way...

Marcus' P.O.V

Man she was hot...! Why do I feel so attracted to her? It's like she's irresistable. She seemed different to most girls, even different from Karla who was always mysterious. Bailey had a dark side but she was also trying to control it, so no one can see it. She was more than human. Maybe Vampire? I shivered, she can't be, they don't have that much control over their they?


Thank you for reading! Vote, comment and fan? Sorry if it doesn't make sense, or if their are mistakes, or if its' not any good! - Ruby xox

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