Part 2 - Control

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Sean's P.O.V

I slammed the door behind me causing the picture frame behind me to fall to the ground and smash. I was so angry at Bailey! I could of had that little girl in seconds! But noooo I get flung into a tree and as soon as I hit it, it fell. If Bailey wasn't my sister I would if killed her. Anyway, I couldn't fight her, because she is stronger and faster than me until she learns some control over what she can do. After an hour I had calmed down a lot and Bailey walked in, when she saw the picture frame her mouth opened slightly

"Sean! I'm sorry about last night, I didn't want to see that little girl get ripped to shreds" she said, I rolled my eyes and appeared behind her

"Really? Well what happened when you were shredding up that man? Sucking his blood, eh?" I said whilst walking around her in circles

"Exactly! Sean I don't want to be a monster. So I have decided to live off Animal blood instead of human blood." she stated. I stopped walking around in circles and turned to face her

"YOU WHAT!" My anger started to flare up "Bailey! You are a vampire! You are designed to kill humans!" I shouted

"Sean! You listen to me. I do not want to be killing humans unless I have a reason. I am going to learn some control techniques and that is that." she replied, her tone was harsh and full of anger that I knew I had to agree with her

"ok." I replied, she nodded and opened the door slamming it shut in the process.

I rang up the volturi and I had to tell them what she was going to do.

Bailey P.O.V

Yes, I know what you're thinking 'A vampire, won't last long enough on animal blood.' Well you are correct, I won't which is why I need to have control over myself first. The only way to do that though is to control myself around lots of humans, and where do I go? The Mall! Oh how original Bailey. Note the sarcasm. Hehe. I stopped outside the Mall and took a deep breath...wait I don't breathe...ok so I just got myself prepared, I thought of happy things, for example my cat Benjy...which Sean killed...

ANYWAY! I walked in as normally as I could, realising I walk far to fast to look like a human. I started off slowly and soon I was walking like a human again! My vampire self didn't quite like that but it will still have it's power over me sometimes. I had worked out that every time I learn to control myself more, the more red disappears out of my eyes. I looked into a shop window and I noticed some of the red had gone! I mentally cheered myself for that.

Next step was to control my anger as much as I could, so I only get angry if I am in a fight or it is needed. I walk around the mall and I am very near the children's crèche (which is very noisy so I can try to control my anger, otherwise one child will not be going home.) when a group of boys around my age stopped me. 'Ohgod' I thought, anger was already building up, they smelt so good! The smell of blood made my head spin like crazy! "How're you beautiful?" The tallest one said. My jaw tensed and my knuckles whitened. "Move out of my way." I said in a harsh tone "We have a fiesty one here boys!" the other one said. I nearly gave in the urge to rip them up, I was so angry I couldn't take much more of this. They all looked at me waiting for a reply and when they didn't get one, the tall one put his hand on my shoulder. Now that really pissed me off. I shoved him hard and of course because I was a vampire he went flying! He landed in the store opposite! I walked over and patted him on the head, an evil smirk formed across my face. I walked out quickly realising I needed to control my anger and the want for human blood.


Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment and fan? Sorry if there are any mistakes or it's not good. Next part will be more on control and following part is school, hopefully! - Ruby xox

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