Part 7 - On The Run

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A/N: I was listening to Animal by Conor Maynard whilst writing so if their are any mistakes...I was distracted :-D xx


Marcus' P.O.V

We walked inside and Bella noticed Bailey. She ran up to her and gripped her tightly around her waste "You saved me!" Bella squealed at her. Bailey looked like she was about to snap so I dragged Bella off her and told her to play. Bailey spoke up "Bella, you are very welcome." Bella giggled and ran off. I looked at her confused and she said "Long story." I nodded and sighed "MARCUS! TIDY YOUR RO-" my mum yelled stopping when she saw Bailey "Hi." my mum smiled, Bailey smirked and my mum held out her hand for Bailey to shake. I spoke up so she wouldn't feel her cold skin "Mum don't be so formal." I blushed slightly when Bailey mouthed a 'thanks' at me.

Sean's P.O.V

"Aaro, I have some news about Sean's sister" Edward said. I growled under my breath "She is friends with Marcus Bentley" I looked up and glared "Shut up Edward." I spat.

Let me explain...

The Volturi saw Bailey and Marcus walking together so immediately made me explain. I don't know anything so the Volturi's second leader, Edward, has been spying on them. "Edward, he isn't all human. Bailey could make her life a serious danger but we must remember she is new. She will grow out if it." Aaro told Edward sternly. I stood up and left spitting at Edward as I walked past which gained a light chuckle from Karla.


please vote comment and maybe fan? sorry if its bad or confusing. i know it short but i got distracted :) - Liz xox

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