Artist To Makeup Artist

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Georgie sat at her desk trying to figure out what to do with the blank paper in front of her. Before even finishing thinking her mother called out to her. "Georgie come over here I need your help with some makeup. Her mother told her as Georgie slipped off of her chair and went down the stairs.

"Let me guess this is for dad right?" The seventeen year old asked as she went over to he mother getting some makeup supplies from the drawers in her mother's bedroom.

Her mother sighs, "Yes it is he has been distant lately." The mother told Georgie who nods her head

"And you think makeup will help." Georgie asked confused.

Her mother just chuckled, "Well maybe; your dad use to love it when I got fancied up for him." Her mother told Georgie who just sighs.

"Yeah emphasised on use." Georgie muttered to herself, but her mother heard her.

" Come on honey; he is not that bad." Georgie's mother told the seventeen year old.

Georgie just rolled her eyes as she started putting makeup on her mother. Afterwards she heads towards her room again. Before sitting down and sketching something on the piece of paper.

She sighs when she hears the door open. Her father was home early for the first time in five years. Georgie's father was a workaholic, and always without a doubt made it home after she went to bed and left before she awoke. She has not been able to talk to her father since she was thirteen which is crazy since they live in the same household

Georgie does not even bother getting up. It was not worth her time. She just continues her work before looking up as she hears fighting. Georgie just sighs as she grabs her phone and headphones so she does not have to hear them.

Suddenly one of her friends called her. So Georgie quickly answered. "Hello." Georgie says.

"Hey G how are you." Her friend said, as Georgie sighs.

"I have been better Lil, but anyways what is up?" Georgie asked since her friend Lilly should be practicing for theater.

"Um well... I need a favor." Lilly told Georgie nervously.

"And what is that favor." Georgie asks as she put on her shoes.

"Well you see our makeup artist got the flu and will not be here when we have to perform, and um we have all seen how great you do on your mother's makeup, and my makeup." Lilly started nervously but Georgie knew where this was headed.

"Listen Lilly I would really love to help, but I am seriously not that good with makeup. I would probably just make you guys look horrible. Plus I have to enter this art contest if I want to get a scholarship for art school." Georgie told her friend who sighed.

" Georgie look we are desperate will you please do this for me." Lilly asks pleadingly.

Georgie sighs, " Fine I will be there in fifteen minutes tops. Georgie told her friend even though she was not so sure about this.

Georgie walks down the stairs her headphones still on her head. That is until her dad took them off of her, "Hey Georgie where are you going he asked her.

Georgie just snatched her headphones back and told him, "I am going to help a friend of mine." Before heading out to the car

Ten minutes later she entered the high school building and went to the stage where she saw some of her friends rehearsing. "Hey gals she says making her presence known to her friends"

Five of the fifteen teens looked up, " Hey G." Lilly says as she leads Georgie to the backstage

"So where is Mr. Goodman ?" Georgie asked her friend confused on where the theater teacher was.

Lilly smiled, "He just went to the restroom he should be back in a few minutes. He told me to get you set up though." Lilly told Georgie as she led her over to where the pallets of makeup, and a mirror was at.

Georgie just looked at all the makeup feeling overwhelmed about all this. "Okay so what are the characters supposed to look like?" Georgie questioned as she looked through the pamphlets.

Lilly laughed, "Like how the pamphlets show silly." Lilly told her as Georgie continued to look through the pamphlets.

"These are pretty complicated. I hope I can do these pictures justice." Georgie told her friend

"We will all do great." Lilly told her and all the others.

Georgie went home that night to hear her mother crying. Like she did whenever she and dad had a fight. Georgie sighs as she throws her stuff on her bed and walked into her mother's room. "Hey mom what happened." Georgie asked as she sat down by her mother who just cried harder.

Georgie just sighs as she hugged her mother close. "You fought about him working to much again right." Georgie asked as her mother just nodded. " Here let's get that makeup off you and get you ready for bed Georgie suggested standing up; before helping her mother up and sitting her on the bed. She then got her makeup wipes out of the drawer, and started wiping her mother's makeup off.

After that ordeal Georgie sighs and lays down on her bed. Before looking up how to become better at doing makeup. She would need all the help she could get to pull off the looks they were supposed to have for the play.

Five day later Georgie was sitting backstage setting up the makeup for the performance that night. After the last few days of helping with makeup she was feeling a lot more confident in herself.

A few minutes later everything was bustling she could hear the crowd from where she sat and the fifteen students doing the play had came to her for she could do their makeup.

A half an hour past by and the show started, so Georgie sat back and relaxed for a few minutes before the scenes would change. She was watching from her chair when Lilly came to her. "Georgie I can not do this!" She exclaimed making Georgie look up. Georgie then heard the Theater teacher whisper for Lilly. She had to calm Lilly down and quickly.

"Hey Lil listen you are going to do great. You rehearsed in front of me so many times and did amazing just imagine I am the only one watching you." Georgie told her calmly; as Lilly started to calm down

" You are right Georgie thank you." she said walking onto the stage; as Georgie sighs in relief. As she got ready for the scene change.

At the intermission Georgie could tell all the teenager seemed nervous for the next scene which was the most complex scene in the play. So Georgie decided to ease the tension a bit. "Hey guys you have been doing amazing!" Georgie told them enthusiastically as she stepped up beside them.

All of them looked at Georgie, "Thanks Georgie, but the next part is the hardest." One of them say as Georgie nodded. Then everyone started to talk as Georgie continued to listen to their problems before Mr. Goodman stepped up trying to tell the students what they were to do next.

After the play all the students sighs in relief as Georgie started helping them to take the makeup off. Georgie continued this until all of them had all the makeup off.

Tired Georgie turns down going to the after party with her friends, and instead heading home. By the time she got home it was midnight. Georgie looked around the room. Her dad's car was there, but for once she must have came home after he went to bed.

Georgie went over to her room setting her small bag down and taking her makeup off. Afterwards Georgie lied in her bed looking at her phone. Georgie then looked over to the sketches and paintings on the wall.

She then pulled up google, and searched up "How to become a professional makeup artist."

I think this turned out okay, for someone who does not know a thing about makeup or theater . Anyways I hoped you enjoyed if you did vote and comment.

PS the song up top was just my inspiration for a bit of this one shot.

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