The Puppy prt 1

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A/N I have no idea where this idea came from but I hope you enjoy this two shot

It was a normal day for Georgie who was walking through Broadway park; just enjoying the autumn night before heading home.

The crisp breeze was blowing through her hair as she heard her phone ringing. "Hey Tess." she says not even looking at the number on the screen.

"Hey G I see you are in a different setting." Tessa say noticing she was outside.

"Yeah, I decided to enjoy the sunset at the park tonight. I enjoy doing this if I get off before sunset, which is not often." Georgie explained sitting on one of the benches.

"I wish we could do that here, but we're caught in a thunderstorm and the sun does not set for another two hours here." Tessa told Georgie who laughs

" So that what I am hearing in the background." Georgie told Tessa playfully.

"Either that or Reed trying to start the car." Tessa says laughing.

" Do you need to go?" Georgie asked as she knew Reed was not the best with cars.

"No John is working with him through video chat." Tessa told Georgie.

Georgie nods and continues, "So how has your day been?" Georgie asks Tessa

" It has been good I was at the recording studio most of the day recording a few songs for my new album and then I have been hanging around. How about you how was your day?" Tessa asked.

"It has been good I was just working on some new makeup techniques earlier, and then I had to help get the actors ready for the show. Since the show ended early we all got off early, and I have just been hanging around park since then." Georgie told her friend before hearing a bark. Georgie looked down and right in front of her was a brown dog.

"Georgie did I just hear a bark?" Tessa asks confused.

" Yeah someone's dog must have gotten loose. Go on puppy go to your owner." Georgie replied to Tessa and shooed the dog away.

"Speaking of dogs have you ever thought about getting a pet?" Tessa asks her friend curiously.

" No I am not an animal person they take to much work. And with my job. Let's just say I would not be able to take care of it well enough. How about you Tess" Georgie asks Tessa, as Georgie had already thought about getting an animal but decided against it.

"After dealing a dead dog for three years, yeah no." Tessa told Georgie who nodded in understanding.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that whole thing. I would not want a pet after that either." Georgie admitted as both smile Georgie then hears another yap from a dog. "I thought I told you to find your owner." Georgie told the puppy calmly even though she was a bit irritated by it still being beside her.

"The puppy is still with you? I thought the owner would have taken it home by now." Tessa told Georgie who nodded.

"Yeah that is strange, but the owner could still be around I mean I am still at the dark despite the darkness. " Georgie explained as this was a normal occurrance in New York.

"Can I see it." Tessa asked Georgie who nodded

"Yeah sure hold on a second. " Georgie told Tessa as she flipped her camera around and turned on the flashlight so Tessa could see the dog that had not moved even though Georgie had shooed it away.

"I will admit he or she is cute." Tessa says looking at the brown puppy.

Georgie nodded "Yeah it is now it is getting late and I want to get home before it gets any darker, I can call you back later when I get home if you would like." Georgie told Tessa.

Tessa nods, " Alright G talk to you later." Tessa told her friend before hanging up.

Georgie then got up from the bench and started walking to her car. As she continued walking she heard paw steps behind her. She turned around and internally groaned, "Do not follow me. Go back to your owner pup." Georgie told the pup.

The puppy just whimpered as Georgie hopped into her car. Georgie sighed, "Please go home puppy." She said as she starts the car, and backs out of the parking space leaving the dog behind.

The next morning Georgie headed toward work so she could set things up when she got out of the car though she felt as if she was being followed, but shook it off and went into the building.

Fifteen minutes later Georgie heard a noise and looked up from organizing her things. Georgie then looks over to a box inspecting it before a dog leaped out from a box of old costumes. Georgie sighs in relief as she looked at the brown puppy which she had seen the night before. "How did you get in here." Georgie asked the puppy who cocked it's head. "Go home." Georgie told the dog not wanting to get fired from her job because a dog was in her makeup room.

The puppy looks at Georgie sadly whimpering as if begging Georgie to help it. The puppy then noticed that she was even paying attention to it. So they tug on the end of her dress. Georgie groans then looks down, "Hey stop that!" Georgie said before seeing something she did not notice the night before.

Georgie then takes a better look at the pup inspecting it now that it was not dark she then realized that you could see the pup's rib, and the dog did not have a collar. Georgie looked over the pup which had a tear in it's right ear. Georgie sighs knowing she was going to regret this later, but said, "My boss is going to fire me, you can stay but you have to be quiet and stay hidden." She told the pup hoping it understood her.

The pup wagged it's tail happily as Georgie looks around seeing the old costume box placing the puppy in it. "Stay." Georgie told the pup firmly as she placed it in the box hidden in the corner. She then heard the door open. "Quiet" Georgie told the pup sitting back in her chair as the puppy cocked it's head but stayed silent. In which Georgie sighed in relief.

A few hours later, no one had figured out the puppy was there, and now Georgie was taking her fifteen minute break so she sneaked the puppy out and puts it in her car. She would have just enough time to take the puppy to her small studio before having to go back to work.

Georgie got home putting the small pup in one of the totes she had around making sure it was big enough. "Okay pup I will be back in a little while now stay." Georgie told the pup before leaving.

At one Georgie had her lunch break and decided to go to the store and grab some food for her and the pup at her home.

Georgie was expecting a mess, but when she opened the door she was surprised to see the puppy right where she had left it, before the puppy jumped out and came to her. "You are a good pup. She said petting the pup's matted fur before looking to see what gender the puppy truly was. "Yeah you are a good girl thank you for not destroying anything." She told the pup before getting a small bowl she had and place some of the puppy food in it. Which the puppy hesitantly looks at before bolting it down.

"Whoa girl slow down no one is going to take it from you." Georgie told the puppy soothingly. Before looking at her clock and sighing placing the puppy back in the tote. "Stay I will be back tonight." She told the puppy reassuringly before heading back to work."

Hey guys thanks for reading. I am sorry that this and the chapters to all my other stories have been slow lately. It turned out I needed to take a break, but I am back now and will continue updating. I hoped you enjoyed if you did vote and comment😊

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