Subject to Change (Georgie)

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Georgie sits down on her bed sighing. It was just one of those days. She had just finished her job at the salon, that just fired her because she was apparently to good for the job. She was currently still living with her parents, and even once she did get a steadfast job she was still most likely going to be living with her mother since her mother would get lonely.

Georgie sighs when her phone started ringing. And she sees that it is her friend Lilly. "Hey Lil what is up?" Georgie asked her friend.

"Hey G and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out with some of the theater kids tonight." Lilly says excitement in her voice

Georgie sighs, "I do not know Lilly I am kind of warn out from working and I have to open up shop tommorow." Georgie told her friend as she really did not feel like meeting with the actors and actresses; as she still felt out of place with them. Even though she had helped with three others plays since she found her love for makeup. Lilly groaned.

" Come on Georgie please! We really want to see you; you have declined three times already. Please just live a little. Please do not turn out like your father." Lilly pleaded as Georgie playfully rolls her eyes

" Fine, fine where and what time?" Georgie asked her friend.

"At the parks pavilion around six." Lilly told Georgie who put a reminder in her phone.

"Alright Lil I will be there." Georgie told Lilly as she heard her mom call her. " Well I better go talk to you soon Lil." Georgie told her friend before hanging up with her.

Georgie went down the stairs to see her mother, and wait what was her father doing here this early! "Yes mom." Georgie asked avoiding her father's gaze.

"Georgie all of us need to have a talk. Georgie just looks at her mother as if she was crazy,

"Yeah I pass." She told her mother as she tried to escape back to her room, but being unsuccessful; since her mother was blocking the entrance.

"Please." Her mother asks her softly. Georgie huffed in annoyance before sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Fine, but make this quick I promised my friends I would meet them in the park at six." Georgie told her mother and father.

Both of her parents sit down as well before her father started talking, "I need to apologise to the both of you; especially you Georgie." Her father say to them.

Georgie hid an eye roll. You think. Georgie thought to herself, but let her father continue.

"I know I put work first for many years, and lost sight of what was truly important. Heck I have not talk to you since you became a teenager." He said directing the statement towards Georgie.

Georgie nodded looking at her watch making sure she was not going to be late for meeting with her friends. "Yeah well the past is past father, you can not undo it." Georgie told him irritably as her father was never there for her before. If he was seeking her forgiveness it would take a lot more than a sorry to makeup for all the years he had missed out on. "Now I better get going I do not want my friends to think I blew them off." Georgie told her parents as she grabbed her car keys, and started off to the park.

Georgie stops the car in a parking place before heading over to the pavilion where her friends were chatting. "Hey guys sorry I am late." Georgie said to her friends as she sat down at the picnic table Lilly was sitting at."

"Oh hey G I was just about to call you." Lilly told Georgie.

" Sorry Lil mother called a family meeting before I could come." Georgie told Lilly who looked at her shocked

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