The Puppy prt 3

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Georgie sighs getting up. It had been a month since she had found Pumpkin, and she had finally filed the found papers. Even though she had her doubts about all this the puppy turned out to be doing fine.

"Come on Pumpkin we are going for a car ride." Georgie told the pup who quickly got up and ran to where Georgie was.

Georgie laughed at the pup, "Alright sit." Georgie told Pumpkin sternly. Pumpkin quickly sat down and yapped growing impatient.

"Alright, alright we are going." She said as she grabbed the leash and headed towards the car. Pumpkin trailing behind enthusiastically.

Georgie opened the backdoor of her car letting Pumpkin jump in, "Alright girl stay." Georgie told the dog as she got in the driver seat.

Fifteen minutes later they were at Broadway park where Georgie had first met the dog. "Alright Pumpkin we are here." She told the pup; as she grabbed hold of Pumpkin's leash. Before starting to walk.

It was another crisp autumn day, and one of Georgie's days off. After walking for a bit. Georgie sat down at a bench and let Pumpkin jump on her lap. "Good girl are you having fun?" Georgie asks the dog who barks happily. "I am taking that as a yes." Georgie told the dog before looking at the kids playing around on the playground.

Georgie noticed a boy hovering around her though; as if he had a question. "Hello can I help you?" Georgie asked the boy who looked at her, and nodded.

"Is that your dog?" The young boy asks looking at the pup who was contently lying on Georgie's lap.

Georgie nodded, "Yes, she is mine. I am sorry but I did not catch your name." She told the boy who replies.

" Oh I am Nathan and I am eight years old." Georgie could not help but chuckle; at the boys enthusiasm

" Alright then Nathan, Yeah she is my dog; her name is Pumpkin." Georgie told the boy.

Nathan looks at the dog happily, " Umm... can I pet her please?" Nathan asked shyly.

Georgie nodded, "Of course Pumpkin is very friendly and loves people." The boy eyes lit up as he carefully stroked the pup. Pumpkin just sat there enjoying the attention.

"What happened to her ear?" the boy asked curiously as he saw the tear in Pumpkin's ear.

Georgie looked down at Pumpkin "I have no clue, she was a stray when I found her and already had the tear in her ear." Georgie explained

" Does it affect her hearing?" The boy asked curiously.

Before Georgie could answer his mom came over to where her son was standing. "Nathan stop bugging the lady and her dog!!!" The mom exclaimed looking at Georgie, " I am sorry if he is bothering you?"

Georgie just gives her a reassuring smile, "Oh he is fine, I do not mind talking to him at all." Georgie told her reassuringly.

The mom smiled, " I am glad usually people glare at him and get annoyed at his continuous questions." The mother told her relieved that Georgie did not mind.

"Mommy, can we show Matt the puppy." The boy asked his mother innocently. The mom gave the boy a sad glance. Both Georgie and Pumpkin sensed something. "How about you go play on the swings for a bit. While I talk to your mother." Georgie suggested to the boy; who nodded,

"Okay can Pumpkin come." The boy asks looking to the puppy who was still on Georgie's lap. Georgie looked at the puppy on her lap.

"Not right now Nathan maybe in a little bit though." Georgie told the boy who nodded and ran towards the swings. "Hi my name is Georgie nice to meet you." Georgie told the mother.

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