Long Time No Call

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Tessa sighs as she sits on her bed her pencil flying as she was writing. It has been a year and a half since the vacation that changed her life, and someone has started spreading a rumor that Tessa was writing a new song, well that got her fans excited to see. She was writing a new song, but none of the lyrics seemed right.

Tessa groans as she wanted to throw her pencil and notebook at the wall. Tessa then sighs taking a few deep breaths. She would usually talk to her boyfriend about ideas since he was a songwriter as well, but Reed was out on tour for another week. So Tessa was here alone trying to get inspiration for her new song.

Tessa then puts down her writing supplies deciding she needed a break. Tessa looked through her phone; before getting an idea.

It has been a month, or two, or maybe three? Since Tessa has spoken to her best friend Georgie. The reason is Tessa and Georgie had both grown increasingly busy after the end of the play, so soon after their daily calls became weekly, and then monthly calls, and now they just call each other when they can.

Tessa looked at the clock trying to calculate the time where Georgie was; as she did not want to call Georgie if she was still busy, or if she was sleeping.

Tessa then decided she should be off work by now and hits the call button.

Meanwhile Georgie had just finished putting her makeup things away and was heading out to her car so she could drive to her home.

After helping Tessa make her dream come true. One of her dreams came true. A few weeks after the play a makeup artist job popped up for broadway, and Georgie quickly applied for it. After they saw the makeover she did for Tessa they quickly hired her.

The job came with it's perks but overall it was amazing. Sadly she did not get to call Tessa as often as she use to though.

Georgie gets into her car and starts it's engine, before she starts driving though her phone started ringing. She groaned thinking it was one of her coworkers calling her to try and get her to come to the party that they were having tonight, but quickly perked up as she saw Tessa's name appear on the phone.

"Hey Tess!" Georgie told her friend; after she had answered the phone and put it on speaker phone before starting to drive home.

"Hey Georgie do you have time to talk?" Tessa asks her friend as she could hear that Georgie was in a car.

"Yep I just got off of work. So I am good to talk for a little while." Georgie tells Tessa

" Okay great so remind me what time is it in New York?" Tessa asks as she could not remember what time zone New York was in.

Georgie laughs at Tessa, "You are worse then Lilly when it comes to time zones." Georgie joked as she started laughing.

"What it is not my fault I am horrible at geography." Tessa exclaimed.

" It just turned nine in the evening here." Georgie told Tessa still chuckling.

" Okay so you are three hours ahead of me?" Tessa questioned

" Yeah that is right." Georgie told her pulling into her driveway.

"Okay so how are you?" Tessa asked Georgie as there was an awkward silence for a few moments as Georgie went inside her studio apartment.

"I am a little tired, but otherwise great." Georgie told Tessa before asking, "How about you Tessa?"

"I am doing great just taking a break from writing a song." Tessa told her an ounce of frustration still in my voice.

Georgie picked up the frustration in her voice, "Taking a break or trying to not hit your head against the wall?" Georgie asked playfully

Tessa looked at her phone shocked, " How do you do that?!!" Tessa asks as Georgie always seemed to pick up on everything Tessa was feeling.

"Trust me you do not want to know?" Georgie says laughing at Tessa shock.

" I do! Can you please tell me how you do that." Tessa somewhat begs making Georgie laugh even more.

" Alright, alright, fine." Georgie say rolling her eyes playfully. She had missed talking to Tessa, "I really do not know how to explain this, but I guess once you work with actors as long as I have. You can just hear small changes in people voices." Georgie told Tessa happily

"That is pretty cool, but that still does not explain how you can sense when people are stressed, and hurting.I did not have to talk half the time when you started to reassure me." Tessa told Georgie as she could tell Georgie was holding back the full answer.

Georgie sighs, Knowing Tessa was starting to get curious on how she knew so much when she was just a makeup artist. When she really did not know how she did it herself "I really do not know for the truth. I have always been able to sense people feelings. I guess that is what happens when you are observant. " Georgie told Tessa who took that answer.

" Well it really cool, and kind of creepy at the same time." Tessa told Georgie.

Georgie laughed, "You are not the first one to say that and you definitely will not be the last." Georgie said as she got that a lot especially now that she was in Broadway.

Tessa looked at the time and so did Georgie both sighing as they saw the time. "I hate to end the chat but I have an early day of work tommorow and I need to get some rest as it is our busy day." Georgie told Tessa as she was getting tired.

Tessa sighs nodding, "I understand what time do you get off work tomorrow?" Tessa asked as she wanted to talk to Georgie tommorow as well.

"I usually get done by seven your time, but tommorow it may be around eight." Georgie told Tessa

" Okay can I call you tomorrow around eight then." Tessa asked hopefully wanting to keep in better contact then her friend.

"Georgie nodded, " Yeah you can I missed being able to talk to you." Georgie replied.

"Alright then talk to you tomorrow Georgie have a goodnight." Tessa told Georgie

" Alright have a goodnight, bye." Georgie said before hanging up the phone.

Tessa sighs, but grins as she gets an idea for the song she has been writing and started to jaunt it down.

Well here is my new one shot (It is probably not as good as my others but oh well.) . I hope you enjoy if you did vote and comment what you thought.

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